OranjuiceLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Oranjuice Oranjuice has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 69 designs from 21 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client andreap Italy What We Do We sell and distribute fruit and vegetables. Industry Service Industries Color Preferences green, light red, white. Our Ideas & Additional Information the logo must be simple and friendly, easy to remind and must be associate to the service that we provvide (sell and delivery fruit and vegetables). Italian must be the language. Themes SimpleColorfulModernSecure Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st Faith Withdrawn 2nd september Withdrawn 3rd raymer Withdrawn 4th ideaz99 Withdrawn 5th raymer Withdrawn 6th Faith Withdrawn 7th candela Withdrawn 8th raymer Withdrawn 9th BRANDit Withdrawn 10th sahmmy Withdrawn New Kutchu Withdrawn New Faith Withdrawn New raymer Prefers others. sunjava Prefers others. sunjava Prefers others. ZimaMedia Prefers others. mungki Prefers others. rubytuesday Prefers others. rubytuesday Prefers others. sunjava Withdrawn Prefers others. BRANDit Withdrawn Prefers others. BRANDit Withdrawn Prefers others. BRANDit Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. logope Withdrawn Prefers others. logope Withdrawn Prefers others. BRANDit Withdrawn Prefers others. Kutchu Withdrawn Prefers others. Kutchu Withdrawn Prefers others. Kutchu Withdrawn Prefers others. Kutchu Withdrawn Prefers others. Faith Withdrawn Prefers others. logope Withdrawn Prefers others. The Day Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. raymer Withdrawn Prefers others. Kutchu Withdrawn Prefers others. BRANDit Withdrawn Prefers others. Donadell Withdrawn Prefers others. Donadell Withdrawn Prefers others. Jet Withdrawn Prefers others. ideaz99 Withdrawn Prefers others. BerylBeam Withdrawn Prefers others. BerylBeam Withdrawn Prefers others. BerylBeam Withdrawn Prefers others. BerylBeam Withdrawn Prefers others. BerylBeam Withdrawn Prefers others. lotus creative Withdrawn Prefers others. lotus creative Withdrawn Prefers others. lotus creative Withdrawn Prefers others. lotus creative Withdrawn Prefers others. lotus creative Withdrawn Prefers others. beeq 1 2 1 2 Next >