#27: could you put the image of the kids holding hands to the left of the practice name so I can see how that looks? #28: could you make the image blue and the words "A division of CWPW" blue in this one? Also, I would like to see it with the image on the left
#89 can you use a more modern font like century gothic. Also can I see it with Orangetown in blue, pediatric associates in red and keep a division of cwpw in grey but un-bold it.
Would also like to see it with Orangetown in orange.
#129: I am pleased with the design. I want to get the colors to match the paint colors of the office. They are as follows: all Benjamin Moore Candy Green 403 Ryan Red 1314 Silent Night 1613 Watertown 818
I think Orangetown should be ryan red (which is really a red-orange)