I like the idea of intertwining the torch and Liberty into "OC" but the logo is longer than I planned. How about if you move "Rare Coin" under OC and then replace the long line of text,with"& Bullion, LLC."?
What do you think about playing with the position of Liberty head and the torch? Also, what is your expert opinion on having "Rare Coin" and "& Bullion" stacked and placed below the "OC" design? Maybe make the text smaller so that the overall design is square in shape? Just throwing out some ideas.
Hi, sorry for my late respond. I just online few minutes ago. Thank you for your feedback. I will follow up your feedback as soon as possible. Just one question, did you took the photograph of the sculpture by yourself? Thanks in advance for answering.
Hello Bauhaus. Thank you for the revision! The arm seems out of place. I like the concept, but maybe we should delete the arm and just go with a crown on either the O or the C in OC. What do you think? Which do you like better: the first design with RARE COIN on the right side, or your latest design #33? I am not an artist at all. Thanks. Dennis
Hi Dennis, thank you for your further feedback. Before I follow up your feedback further, currently I have problem since issues bring me to the court with tracing case. So I really need your answer about my question if asked before. Do you took the photograph of the sculpture by yourself?
Hi Bauhaus. My friends like your OC design. We would like to see a version of #33 without the torch/arm, and also one without the torch/arm, and the lady liberty with crown. In other words, just a plane "OC" version and one with only Liberty with crown. Thank you!
#62, #63, #64 update work. First, thank you for your clarification of the photograph. I glad you still interested on my work. While the lady liberty with crown is complex image, I try to present it on the logo still elegant without looking too bulky and booring. I hope I can get to your expectation. Thanks!
Anyway, answering your previous question, while your logo will use in web, the best way is to have more horizontal logo then vertical or even square(circle) logo. Make you much more easier to put it in all around the web. Hope it help, thank you!
Hello Bauhaus. If you have time, please change the color in #62, 63 and 65 so that it is closer to the top few entries. The team here is leaning strongly toward that color. Your logos are gaining popularity here. Thank you.