Audraoc, great job on the logo. Optofluidics is very impressed with #60. If you could indulge us, we wanted to take a look at a few variations before we made our final choice. We like the idea of two colors separating 'opto' and 'fluidics' like you have in #61, but black is a bit too dark for us. The lines that angle towards the DNA are also strongly indicative of laser lines holding the DNA in place, which we love. I wonder if we can enhance that connection by making the lines a laser-like color (Maybe yellow, green or red). So, can you attempt
(1) The icon from #60 with a 2-color company name (something like grey and blue) (2) A 2-color company name and a matching 2-color icon (nothing too dark) (3) Consider making the second color in the icon a laser-like color in the lines "grabbing" the DNA.
If you can accomplish several variations on this, I think we'll have the strongest contender for the winner so far.
Audra, I hope you don't mind one more change. #88 is my favorite so far, but I'm not thrilled with the green. Do you think red would be too angry? Or maybe a more fluorescent green would be too bold?
Hi, Thank you for notifying me about the "copycat" . I will PM the designer. It is a jungle over here. :) Meanwhile, I want to focus on making the perfect logo for you. Let me know if any changes you want to make or "swap" Sincerely, Audra
Audra, the only other thing I can possibly think of is having a version with a red laser I can show to the rest of my team for their decision. Your latest green and orange ones are awesome.
Audra, I'm pleased to inform you that we will be selecting one of your designs as the winner. Please be patient as we are deciding on which color of your logo to go with. Since we are in the process of redesigning our website, do you have any advice as to which color choice would look best on a website? The site will be based around your logo and will have color components to match.
First, thank you so much for considering my work. What comes to color selection, I think, it comes to the feeling you want to evoque. Orange will feel more warm and friendly. Red could be too loud, unless it's used very sparingly in the website. Green (like your 3rd choice, could give you refreshing, calming look). But you don't have to decide on it now and play around during the process of website design. I can provide you with all three color variations, if desired. Sincerely, Audra