I rather like the looking glass (binoculars) concept of number 2, but it seems to make the name a little more difficult to read, but I really appreciate and like the concept. I also like the clean lines on number 1 and the fact that a few "homes" were used, but they both seem to lack "something" that would appeal on a B2B level. I think its great to "work" with someone in Mexico!
i love working to people all around the globe! Is a great feeling, this place is like an addiction ;) i love it!
Ok, i will try new ideas, i promisse to submit a couple of new logos later. I really recommend to rank (1,2,3), because when you rank, your contest appear in the portfolio, and many designers look at the portfolio to enter a contest.
We really like number 7! We love how the pic looks similar to a dollar bill! Can we see a version with the house on top of the words? We will also need to fit this on an 18 x 24 sign, without losing visibility due to the length of the logo
Im really happy that you liked my work :D Is awesome!
Im working on new ideas, please keep the feedback comming so i can make the best design :D
I already submit the changes (#10 and #11). About fitting the logo on 18 x 24, please dont worry about it, i like making logos that are usefull in many ways and all media (for example, number #7 and #10 are both the same logo, just vertical and horizontal variations, the logo need to be able to adapt)
11- I dont know if I like it more or less than #6- I think it is just a little too simple- it needs some jazz and punch- something- but I cant put it in words!
# 16- I was actually thinking initially of 2 interconnected circles, representing o & o- and then the apersand in the middle connecting them ( I am an art school drop out). I really like 10 - I can see this on my signs. I love this site- I am likely to recommend it to a number of people!