Interesting in that you are kind if the only one of our strong early candidates who took the "at the core" idea and used it in the logo. That's a nice catch! For starters, we actually like the two-version method yours offers us, lets keep that going as we might be interested in a multiple-version final product. Try orange or another color. And keep the "outside / inside" idea going, but maybe more architectural and less like a target / bullseye? Terrific font choices. Don't be afraid to have the "icon / playful moment" of the logo happen somewhere other than the beginning of the logo, too. Thanks for a great start!!
Thanks very much for sending this update (entries 55 and 56). We definitely like these better, especially 55, but it stlll seems to need...something? I think we would also prefer EITHER orange OR maroon as the accent color - not both in the same logo. This one almost gives the impression of a nautical engineering / shipbuilding firm (kind of reminds us of a ship's porthole, looking outward at a wave).