#13 and #16, I am really liking these, what about removing the swinging pendulum and making the "o" the swinging pendulum, or possibly something that gives the feeling that the o and others are swinging. I do like the simplicity of these and am liking both the full name and the OCE.
Hello, thank you for your ranking and feedback. Here is a version of making the "o" the swinging pendulum. ( #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 ). Don't hesitate to ask more revision.
appreciate seeing it because I like both, and do like the pendulum itself as a logo. Can you also just do something similar but with only oce, not the full word? Also, on #9, I had an idea I posted about doing something similar to FedEx, but with OpcoEx and wondering if taking that idea and using a bit of what you had for #9, but a subliminal hourglass or child. (Like FedEx uses the subliminal arrow)
this is getting so hard, but it's nice to see these come closer to being a good fit, on #63, do the same but take off the lines on the letters c and e, and leaving the o like it is:)
Hi, I am unable to submit a design revisions because this contest currently in judging. Only 1st ranked designer can submit revisions. Hope you understand. Thanks
Yes, been frustrated over that with everything happening in the last hour, I did ask for an extension, so I'll let you know if I end up taking a few more submissions.
Just a suggestion, you could try rolling a 1st rank designers and ask him/her a final revision for your consideration. But its up to you if you ask for an extension.
Simply re-rank your contest and put the designers you want him/her design to revised into 1st rank, so they can submit their revisions. Rules said "Only the 1st ranked designer will be able to submit entries."
Oh wow, I didn't realize I could change my rankings around like that, but I am just now finding out that I got the extension, so would love to see your revisions! thanks!
I want to combine #19 with #77, keep the colors in #19 and all the wording, add the swinging effect on o as well as it's angled position instead of straight, but remove the lines on c and e like you did for #77. I would like the whole thing a little smaller (like #20) but keeping with the oce on top smaller than the wording. I hope this makes sense! Thanks! I'm waiting on feedback from others on #78.
#83 the oce in the pendulum is fabulous! I think something that I like about #13 is the lighter font (not bold) and the pendulum the same size as the o, for some reason #13 seems to keep standing out, but I think the oce in the pendulum is something that could eventually be identified as our organization, try shrinking it a bit to size of the o. Thanks!
#88, can you also make the pendulum the same size as the letter o? Will it make it too small? also, try to make the word EXCHANGE stand out a bit more, like maybe make the word cost in blue like the word opportunity, and leave exchange in grey. You are doing awesome:)
#89 make the pendulum the same size as the o. I do think its a bit small and a little hard to read the oce, but it still readable. For me, I prefer the previous size. I will work on the words to make it more stand out and resubmit later. Still plenty of time right :)
for#106, can you make the font for cost the same as opportunity again (like #107) but leave the exchange like it is? Also, try making the letters oce inside the pendulum lighter shades, where each one is a little lighter than the other. try variations where each letter is a different shade fading into the other... also, do both in the blue and grey and then a few in black and green. Looks like we are still deciding between those colors. thanks!
same font for 'cost' as the 'opportunity' with sample of different colors. I will try the variations of different shading for the oce, but have something to do now (it's weekend now in here). I'll check back to you again later. thanks