#15, just got this entry in the last hour...can you put in two or3 colors and make the pco in lower case, the E in upper case and the x in lower case. I do like that striking yellow though, but trying to stay within 2 or 3 colors
I have altered my designs to fit what you have asked but the contest is over. I am new to this site, so I'm not sure if there is anything you can do, but here are the new designs:
I asked for an extension as I didn't get your submission until the last hour. I will let you know if I get the extension so that you can submit those two. I believe an extension is up to 3 additional days. I would like to be able to consider those for judging! thanks
Can you add the letter O to the word Opportunity for #76, in black, I want to see if that reads better. Colors look great and really like that pendulum!
I'm sorry, I have it done, but since I am new on this website an admin has to approve my designs to make sure I am submitting something that is helpful. I submitted two more designs for you yesterday morning, and this morning I received a message from an admin saying that my design was not approved. I questioned him, and he told me to resubmit it and this time it will be approved. I did that this morning, and now it depends on when the admin approves it. Once he does, you will be able to see them. Here they are.
There is actually another designer that is having the same issues...so sounds like the moderators can be a bit picky or something. I do have you ranked in my top 5, so you will still be able to submit revisions after the open phase, I like the one that has the pendulum to the side:) We are looking for the emblem to have oce VERY SUBTLE in it, so maybe mess around with getting oce inside or part of the pendulum...or you can do 3 of those pendulums close together as if one swinging and somehow the letters in each one. I will message you a picture that comes to my mind. If I can't message it to you, I did post it in the brief under pictures, it's a pendulum swinging...thanks!