Alex, I seem to recall you had some other designs similar to #133, which were still under consideration. There was a version where the "swoosh" did not cross into the "O". Do you still have that? And one other thought. Some feedback just came in that your design #133 looks almost like a bouncing ball. Are you able to adjust the right side of the "V" so that it does? The "V" would be the path of dot on the letter "I" (the ball). If I remember correctly, the top-ranked designer can make updates after the contest is closed, but correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks. --Bill
Hi Alex. The final decision is coming down to #1 and #2, with much feedback coming from colleagues and friends. Thanks for the black and white versions--those look good. One item that has come up is the #2 designer also submitted an entry that has received a lot of good feedback (see #85 ranked at 10 right now). Are you able to take your top entry (#1) and place it on the same type of background? Lastly, can we tweak the color for the final design? You don't have to resubmit, I'm just looking for an agreement that you can make some slight modifications before we receive the final design. That's enough to award you the contest. Thanks for the awesome work---many colleagues chose your design!