hey there Ray,
Ok i like this proposition
this is my new directives:
Hey there,
You made a very good job but we actually want to see more to select you for the second round. Your variations for the "P" or the "O" are succeed. Here is our remarks and propositions:
1) Our service will be parking via a mobile application. Our idea is to put a P inside a square to express mobile application idea for the pictogram:
1) A square like a mobile application for the pictogram.
http://www.google.fr/imgres?q=mobile+application&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbo=d&biw=1314&bih=692&tbm=isch&tbnid=J-xRfK2OV-uN9M:&imgrefurl=http://lsvp.com/2012/04/19/how-to-build-the-next-huge-mobile-app/&docid=Qv4Cw8SOuF497M&imgurl=http://lsvp.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/iphone_apps.jpg&w=5333&h=3358&ei=VnT5UJHSF8WWhQePj4DIAw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=414&sig=115322963564548528364&page=1&tbnh=126&tbnw=200&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:0,i:179&tx=99&ty=752) you find good ideas for the
#22 #44 #55 #45 but do not put it on the circle but in a square
3) try to make relief/ 3D with it.
4) Try other foot, those one are not esthetic at all. But continue to make it with O capital and P capital "OnePark"
i submit you some other font for testing but could you try to test other one not just that:
Geo sans light
Caviar Dreams Bold police
Juilius sans One
Fjalla One
Text me one
5)Inspire you from those two logos:
http://www.linkedin.com5) for the colors BE CREATIVE ! but we prefer blue grey/ silver grey / pearl grey
6) we didn't see the "parking" idea.
Many different “P” for “Parking” signs exist in the world. In particular, the “P” sign used in public signalization in France – the country we are launching the service in first - is a white “P” in a blue square with rounded angles (as shown here:
Because OnePark is an innovative parking service, we will need the equivalent of a “P” sign to locate our partner garages from the street, and to distinguish them from standard forms of publicly available parking.
We would like to find a different, innovative and immediately recognizable shorthand sign to use as the identifying symbol for OnePark, which would immediately evoke the aforementioned characteristics of the new parking service we are offering.
This could take the form of a “P” or not, depending on your inspiration.
We would love to see your ideas of what this sign could look like integrated into the larger OnePark logo.
Good luck. I let you working on it :)