Hi Nymalba, So much creativity so fast, i am impressed! I like #196 but it is too creative for a consulting firm I like #197 very much, i can see both dynamic and human. Feel free to propose other options, this is really the right direction! :) Philippe
#199 and #198 two people conected (one in red on down in silver) and you can see the movement forward like the O (the sphere) will rolling forward! thanks! :)
Hi Nymalba, I talked to my partners, they really like best your design. They have a feeling of sport in the symbol, is there a way to express more the step done by a human, keeping the colors, spirit of the logo? Normal A for Forward would be best thank you :) Philippe
Hi Nymalba, The idea of the band to design the body is really the one we would like to keep. It brings a mix of creativity, dynamism and human. We would like just to reduce the feeling of sport/skiing given by 5 feedbacks out of ten. Perhaps in opening the circle or modifing the body or creating a second,... We are really enthousiast with the global spirit of your logo! Thank you :) Philippe
Hi Nymalba, Thank you for this alternative Can you please make the following changes : - #203 modify the A of Forward --> normal A and reduce the size of the symbol 10% (1st option) and 20% (2nd option) - #205 modify the A of Forward --> normal A and increase the size of the symbol 10% (1st option) and 20% (2nd option)
congratulations, your design is really nice, much better than other propositions :) Philippe
the font is Trajan Pro. can you tell me your website address so i can promote it in my page, where i want to invite you: https://www.facebook.com/Nymalba?ref=hl