I wasn't quite sure what you meant about the colors you do and do not want to see. You have red and yellow on both sides if I am correct. At any rate, here is what I came up. Drawing Old Abe was a touch task. I know you specifically declined on using black, maybe it is okay for the coin. Otherwise I could make all the black lines a darker shade of copper. Thanks for your consideration. By the way, where might you be, if I may ask. I have lived all over the mountains and am now back in Denver. I'm gonna pass a law that all STOP signals be change to GO signals.
P.S. -- Abe's hand is holding up a penny, for what it's worth.
I'm anxious to know your rankings and any comments you have. Could you be more specific as to what colors you DO want to see and ones you DON'T? I guess I did well leaving your company name out which is why I have Abe supporting a single penny. He's also smiling, can you tell? Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks.