Love the work! The images in #43 look blurry when enlarged versus the crispness of the images in #44. Can I see #44 without the reflection on the bottom and perhaps a different target. Perhaps something similar to #33's target. Thanks!
hey.....hands down your design is getting the best feedback from my friends and colleagues. However, I'm also getting concerns about the 'implications of a rifle scope" in light of all the shootings in America. Is it possible at some point to take the scope image from another design? everyone wants to see the image from my #1 ranking on your card. Does that create issues?
When I pull the images up, they appear roughly the size of what a business card would look like. the font on "Investigation & Consulting" is not clearly visible. May have to up the font.
Changed to investigative services and increased the font. I added the metallic finish also. If my design is chosen I can send you multiple versions, metallic, non metallic etc.
Hey Silks......I appreciate everything you've done thus far.Everybody really likes your design. Very professional. Since the image on my screen is roughly the size of a business card, I'm concerned about the almost unreadable size of the "Investigative Services" font. I had asked the other designers to address the issue and they rectified it to some degree by separating the two words on either side of the "g". I really need to make sure everything is easily readable on bus. cards and stationary. Aside from that, You Da Man (I don't know why I'm presuming you're male). Thanks a million.
I will gladly split the "investigative service" up and see how much i can increase the font. I can work on it this evening and upload a couple versions. I am male so it works. :)
Wow....that looks so clean on a white background. I'm really happy. If there was one little thing, it would be if there was a way to get the word investigative to fit squarely under the "on.."
I spread out the investigative to fill the space under the "on". Let me know how you like it. I do set up websites but often times it is better to work with a local company that can provide better IT.
Perfect!!!!! I don't need to see it in white bro, as long as I can have it in white at the end. Its def the logo I'm going with. Everybody really likes it and feels it reflects integrity and professionalism as our business logo. Thanks so much. I don't know if you are a rap music fan, but I wrote a book about the murders of Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur a couple years ago called Murder Rap. If you like, I'll send you a copy.
You will get a copy in white for sure and I would love the book was a big fan of both Pac and Biggie. I will also send you my email and info if you need any final tweaks after the contest is over.
Greg just checking in to see if you need any edits made to the design. Shows contest is beyond the judging period. Hope I didn't forget to upload a revision for you.
Hey Silk. Sorry I was delayed getting the winner selected. I was stuck out on surveillance in the middle of the desert the last two days. Anyhow, conrats on winning and thanks so much for giving me a logo I can be proud to display. It really represents my company well. As soon as we connect and I get a mailing address for you, I'll send the Biggie/Tupac book your way. Thanks again!