illumina, Thank you for your suggestions earlier. The problem is that I really have no idea what I was looking for in a logo. As I'm seeing submissions I'm learning more about what I like and do not like. Your three submissions are all great. I like the way you tied in dog things into the name. It's really hard for me to decide what I like best. I wish I could have given more ideas about what I wanted. I'm still working on the rankings and hope to come to a final decision soon..
I'll try, I used the studs coming out of the collar as visually, its the quickest way for someone to make the association with dog collar. I'll have a variation up soon :)
Ok, I'm so close but have a question. If I select your submission would you be willing to work with me on the font colors? I want to see what it would look like in some type of digitized camo. Also, thank you for the other AF tie-in submissions, I still like #29 best though.