a) Can you add the world map behind the symbol?
b) Perhaps you must make the symbol smaller once the map is added for symmetry.
c) Please have the text on this entry the same as in #36
a) Can you make curved line underneath the player in gold?
b) Please have the text on this entry the same as in #36
a) Can we have the world map with some kinda graphic showing that we are exporting out of Brazil to the rest of the world?
Kinda like this:
http://www.multiways.com.br/uploads/conteudo/2014/mapaexportacao.jpgFeel free to get creative and a bit more abstract with how the map will look like. Remember, I want this to be luxurious, serious, elegant, professional, show stability.
Perhaps you can have gold lines going out of Brazil to every continent.
b) Please have the text on this entry the same as in #36