1) It is missing something that indicates "International reach". I believe you have a world map in behind the gold ball but I can't quite see it? Can you make it more visible?
2) Although the font you used was one of the most luxurious, serious, elegant, and professional font out of all entries, I still think we can do better on the font. Here are some examples:
"Oliveira Souza": Only black, or a combination of black and gray
This one is also very interesting,
1) Can you give me some variations of colors (staying in the color scheme I want)?
2) Can we try to make it less 3D? and more one dimension and simple?
3) 2) Although the font you used was one of the most luxurious, serious, elegant, and professional font out of all entries, I still think we can do better on the font. Here are some examples:
a) Can you add the world map behind the symbol? b) Perhaps you must make the symbol smaller once the map is added for symmetry. c) Please have the text on this entry the same as in #36
a) Can you make curved line underneath the player in gold? b) Please have the text on this entry the same as in #36
a) Can we have the world map with some kinda graphic showing that we are exporting out of Brazil to the rest of the world?
Feel free to get creative and a bit more abstract with how the map will look like. Remember, I want this to be luxurious, serious, elegant, professional, show stability.
Perhaps you can have gold lines going out of Brazil to every continent.
b) Please have the text on this entry the same as in #36
Hmm. I think the light gray is hard to see actually, how about having brazil and the lines in dark blue you used on #53 for Kerlon with the ball? I like the map in gold.
Can I also have one with Brazil and the lines in black like the text?
Hello, I really like #98 and #85, and I would like to combine the two. Would you be willing to receive half of the money for #85? the other half will go to #98 and I can combine the two on photoshop myself.
Hello, no that's not what I need. Thanks for trying though.
I'd like to split the prize between the two designers, that is what logotournament told me to do. The other designer has already agreed so I am hoping you will agree as well.
Ill have to chose to other designer as number one. However, you both were pretty much tied. You did a fantastic job and I wish I could choose two winners
I wish I could double the prize my friend but I will be using a combination of the two, not both logos completely. I think what's fair is to split the $375 in half
I have asked the other designer dapc79 to send you a message and arrange how he will send you your half of the prize. Logotournament help told me that the designers have to arrange the split of prize themselves.
Please send me the logo file in .psd so I can edit it.