Olive MillLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Olive Mill

Olive Mill has selected their winning logo design.

For $675 they received 464 designs from 32 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Beautiful Countertops
What We Do
We design, fabricate and install kitchen countertops.
Home & Garden
Color Preferences
Dark Blue. We don't have an exclusive color in mind. I would like to stay away from pink, red and orange.

Logo must translate well in both color and B&W
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Simple, clean design. No olives, trees or clipart. The slogan can be incorporated into the design but not mandatory. We would like the 'Olive Mill' brand to stand on its own with a memorable icon. Current logo is on our website (www.olivemill.com) but we feel it doesn't fit our brand and doesn't create a feeling with our customer base.
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There are lots of great submissions. We are having our team look them over to select and rate them. Keep them coming and we will try to narrow the field.
9 years ago
Thanks for all the submissions. The ranked logos are the ones we like. We are having a tough time deciding which should be first. Everyone at our office has a different opinion. Please keep submitting and we will attempt to rank them better as we go.
9 years ago
Wow, amazing designs and designers. We have ranked the logos that excite us. We are not committed to any one design but you can see what we like so far. Although these logos are really, really nice and are very impressed, we are searching for 'Great'. The stylized 'OM' seems to be one that is picked often. My personal opinion is that the 'M' stands out a bit too much making the 'O' hard to see. Looks like an M with a circle around it. Would love to see more designs with the O and M.
9 years ago
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