Ohlala TarteLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Ohlala Tarte

Ohlala Tarte has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 133 designs from 20 different designers from around the world.






Logo Designer
Here is my design for your logo project. Thank you in advance for your consideration and feedback!

(This comment references Entry #2)
13 years ago
I like the logo in general (logo, font, setup...). However, the logo icon looks more like a cupcakes rather than a tart, do you think you could change it? I know that a tart is inherently more difficult to depict than a cupcake because it's flatter, but I don't want to be perceived as the n-th cupcake bakery.

Also, can you try variations with the whole Ohlala word in pink and with more contemporary, "straighter" fonts?

BTW, you can take a look at my tarts and tartlets (as well as some other cakes, but those don't count) at http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.215204875170282.59339.215199521837484

Thank you for your design and I look forward to seeing your modifications!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you very much for your comments on my design, I will certainly work on another submission with your suggestions in mind~
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's another design with revisions~ thanks again for commenting!

(This comment references Entry #8)
13 years ago


The logo icon looks much more like what I have in mind, thank you! Can you try the following adjustments, maybe?

1. A more stylized, more "airy" logo icon, closer to the cloud9 baking logo I posted (not sure if you can see it or not).
2. A slightly larger font size with the slogan (Have a treat, eat a tarte) appearing under Ohlala Tarte
3. Can you also try a version with the font on #2?

Don't hesitate to try other color variations for the brand name (such as the one you did on #2). I haven't made up my mind quite yet as to what the font and colors should be for the brand name.

It looks great so far!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I will submitting several different variations of the design per your suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to comment!

(This comment references Entry #16)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
slight variation on the design~

(This comment references Entry #17)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
slight variation on my design~

(This comment references Entry #19)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
another possibility~

(This comment references Entry #29)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
one more~

(This comment references Entry #30)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
just one more tonight, thanks again for your feedback!

(This comment references Entry #31)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Okay, last one tonight!

(This comment references Entry #32)
13 years ago
Hi Janis,

Great job today, thank you!

I really like design #19! However, do you think you could replace the orange color you used with some light pink? I understand why you chose the orange, but I'm not sure I like it very much.

I like design #30 as well, it's really cute and classy at the same time. However, I would like to reinforce the modernity with a font and typography similar to the one in #23 (even though I know it's not yours). I'm not sure if it's really going to come out nicely with such a design, but I'd like to give it a try.

Overall, I realized that I prefer "Ohlala Tarte" to appear with a Sans Serif, non-script typeface (a script typeface for the slogan such as in #17 and #19 is fine though). I'm not yet quite sure whether I prefer it lower case or camel-case, in one word or 2 words, so if you have some time for such variations on #19 and #30, that would be great!

Thanks again for your hard work and perseverance :-)

Thank you!

(This comment applies to #19)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you again for all of this helpful feedback! I will continue to work on the design to further refine. I would love to get it exactly as you envision! I'll be away from my 'office' this morning but will get back to work on it as soon as I return!
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #52)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
another revision~thanks again for your comments~

(This comment references Entry #53)
13 years ago
I really like this version of the design. The only thing i think will be better is the color of the slogan (the pink is too light and it is hard to read it). Can you make it a little darker (like the fruit on the top of the tartlet)?
Thanks in advance and keep up the good work!

(This comment references Entry #52)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
coming right up!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's the design with the darker tagline (same color as fruit)

(This comment references Entry #54)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I will continue to work on this to further refine. Thank you again for all of your comments!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Good morning~
I've worked on this design a bit more, cleaning up the raspberries and experimenting with another font for 'Have a treat...'

(This comment references Entry #68)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
trying a different font again for the tagline~

(This comment references Entry #69)
13 years ago
(This comment references Entries #68 and #54)

Hi Janice,

I like the script typeface for the font better, but this one is hardly legible, I think I prefer the font in #54. Do you think you could update #68 with the font in #54?

Overall, I really hesitate between those 2 designs. I've asked some of my friends around and some of them told me that the Z shape looks like steam and that this may confuse the message. I don't know if you can replace it with something else, such as the "cream drop" you put on the other design. I don't know if it'll look good, so if you have something else in mind, don't hesitate it to try it!

Also, don't feel discouraged that you're no longer #1. It's really a close tie between the first 3 designs right now and I definitely haven't made up my mind.

Thanks again for all your sustained efforts and keep up the good work!

13 years ago
Logo Designer
I will continue to work on both of those designs with your suggestions in mind, again, thanks for commenting!
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #75)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #76)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
another possibility~

(This comment references Entry #81)
13 years ago
Hi Janice,

#81 is definitely my preferred one at this stage, thank you again for all your efforts!

On a side note, if I were to choose one of your designs as the winner, would you provide both a Photoshop and Illustrator version of the logo? Would you also provide the fonts (or at least the font names) used for the brand and slogan?

Thanks in advance for your feedback,

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Julie,

Yes, I can provide the design in the Photoshop and Illustrator. I also include a spec sheet in the final files which include the font names, the colors and their RGB, CMYK, and Pantone codes, and my personal contact info in case the client needs anything else later on.
You have some great designs to choose from, that is because you did ran a good contest and gave lots of feedback!

13 years ago
Logo Designer
I meant to say you 'ran a great contest...'
13 years ago
Hi Janis,

Thanks again for your efforts and kind words, I really appreciate them. As you point out, I'm happy I got so many great designs to pick from, but at the same time I feel bad for the ones that will inevitably lose. The whole logo contest process is really great for customers, but I can see how it puts a lot of pressure on designers. It's kind of capitalism taken to the extreme (lots of people work for nothing, only one wins). It's so not me, but I turned to logo tournament as I wasn't really happy with the Submissions I got from a designer acquaintance.

On a side note, I got lots of positive feedbacks from friends and family about your last design, although overall people felt a script serif font such as the one used by sahmmy was more inviting. Also, some of them felt there were a bit too many fruits on the top and the fact that they had to be smaller made them less visible. But since you provide an Illustrator version, I guess my husband would be able to fine tune it, so dont worry about doing another revision yet if you don't have time (you did many of them already, more than anyone else!)

Once again thanks a lot and I'll let you know my final decision. Is there any way to be in touch with you outisde of LT? Do you have another site/blog where you highlight your work?

Thanks again so much!

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you Julie,
I love doing this kind of work and I don't mind the competition, for me it makes it more fun. I've only recently joined LogoTournament, have done much of my work on CrowdSpring and 99Designs.
You can check out my work by going to:


My email address is: janisa810@yahoo.com

Thanks again for your kind words!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Just had to do one more revision :) - made the fruit larger, and fewer items, changed the font.

(This comment references Entry #110)
13 years ago
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