#61 looks like you have attempted to improve #45 of Kryn. I do like the slanted circle and the top of the chair better. I need an adjustment nob on the bottom (ergo is important!). Your font is too small for Office Chairs. We do not sell Houston though the local market strategy is really important.
Please add motion. I realize the circle can indicate orbit and that is all about Nasa/Houston and there is motion in that. I really do not want to oversell the NASA theme. With that said, I would like to see more motion placed in our logo in some brilliant manner. We want the audience to know we are not just simple to do business with, we provide very fast service.
Can you flip the circle vertically so I can see what that would look like. I want see what it will look like if the bottom of the circle to lead into "Office Chair"
I just talked to the boss this is his response to design #97
Overall looks good and we are close • Love the smiley on the chair • Love the Circles and prefer the red on the right with the bottom blue circle leading towards the Text • Like the font weight • Like "Office Chair" italics • Like the Font sizes
Changes • Need Chair legs (Prefers simple 3 prong) • "Houston" does not need to be italics • "Office Chair" lettering is too tight needs to be relaxed a little (Kerning) (okay with effecting width of logo) • "Office Chair" wording can be tightened a bit (Not completely 1 word but close with caps first letter of course • "Office Chair" can be raised a bit and/or Houston can be lowered a bit (Leading tighter) Just a little though we don't want it touching