#141 looks very nice ... could you please integrate the letters (OEWK) into the graphic and left cornen should not be that broken. For the letters maybe you could try some style like http://www.cn.ca/en/ Thanks
hi, 141 looks very good, please can you remove the rope! and put the letters OEWK into the left block one time in the blue side with grey letters and one time in the grey side with blue letters... or both times with white letters? thanks
hi the box is great, pls could you put also the oewk austria climbing team to 220 and 218 (the hole logo) like 141 --> box and the oewk austria climbing team thx
#231 is our favourite. Please could you make a small adaption:
remove the white line which shows the mountain. put the climber a little more to the left so that there is a little more grey and less blue. move the OEWK in the graphic a little to the right side so that it won't touch the white part. make the oewk a little taller (size) and remove "Austria Climbing Team" and use instead Oesterreichischer Wettkletterverband.