Since Greek ship is a bit overused symbol, and easy can be confused with even more overused symbol of viking ship, here's something different,...high quality, pro-looking design, with ship's compass as a base and symbol of the right path/getting into destination in safe way/not being lost. I prefer realistic ship compass on entry #65, with "O" and "C" for capital incorporated, but "lighter version on #66 also might work!
Hope you'll like the idea, and I'll try to come up with new one in time that has left! Thank you!
Odyssey's ship, as any other ship is symbol of adventure, risk, uncertanty,...basicaly all the things you don't want to be associated with your business. I'm trying to avoid this and offer something different, to present strenght, integrity, safety,...greek helmet is one of those symbols. Here are few clean/simple, but quite contemporary looking designs (#67, #68, #69).
This is maybe even better branding solution, than my initial compass design! Any thoughts/suggestions!? Thank you!
...I'm still updating my greek helmet design,...this time adding more symbolism with golden Sun incorporated, as symbol of hope/rebirth/new value/new chance. Thought it could be nice story behind the work you do. On entries #79 and #81, you have basic version, and on #80, #82, versions on black background,...both are deliverable, of course, since it is the same design!
Hope you'll like it! Thanks!
P.S. I'm still avoiding risky symbolism of the ship you've initialy suggested!
...and there's one design concept with front part of the greek ship, but I've made the sea calm, and not stormy and unsecure! Entries #85, #86, #87, #88, #89 and #90! Thanks!
P.S. If you have some suggestions, feedback from you might be useful!
...full greek ship on the open sea, with sun behind it, on designs #94 and #92, background on entries #91 and #93! Still kept the sea calm. Thanks!
Unfortunatelly, one of designers was complaining about me using the ship he first used,...I know ship is allowed in designs, since you've requested it, but I don't have time to go to dispute about this, although I would win it,...but it'll take few days! I've withdrawn my designs, since I've got no direct feedback from you! If you really liked some of them, then I will reinstate and go to dispute with this guy!
Anyway I think greek helmet on #83 would be better branding solution, as I've told you before!
Sorry for the inconvenience and hope to hear from you!
...I've left both my basic versions of Odyssey ship related designs, so you can still see them (#92 and #97), but withdrawn horizontal and black background variations.
...Odyssey had very specific ship, even described in Greek epic work,...on my designs #92 and #97, you can see how it actually looked like, all Greek ships from that period, it had that specific hull pearcing part, that was also used for boarding the ship! There you go,...some useful info! :) Cheers!
We really did like your designs. My partner was torn between yours and the one ranked #1. You had great feed back, unfortunately we went with the full ship and waves. Thank you for your participation, you are very talented.
No problem at all,...apart from trying to stear you away from not so good branding idea, which is putting name Odyssey and ship on high waves in same design (Odyssey's ship was destroyed by Zeus,...according to Homer), I was basicaly in parallel just developing 3 - 4 high quality logos that will find their buyers very soon! None of them will go under $500.00, so in a way I still have to thank you! :)
I would love that you've recognized potential behind one od them, but you still got good looking logo,...if we don't poke around symbolism too much. :)