I likethe fonts on #61 however the kicking guy is not the martial arts figure were looking for. Change the kicking guy to become more powerful and able to tell what this sport is.
I like the designs are you coming up with im looking them over as we speak. Can you make the martial arts guy more bolder/ bigger to have him stand out. 125,127, 74
OCMA and the OC ATA MARTIAL ARTS have to different designs please make the OC ATA MArtial arts into a regular font so it is not competing with the OCMA font. With the font try to see if you can make it stand out more like you are doing with more of a reflective or metallic look. The kicking guy seems to have too much personality with his hair and not having a stable foot on the bottom it is combining with the A. Look at the ranks # 4 & 6 kicking guy as a reference and change the kicking guy to a white so we can see how it looks. We like your designs on entry number #76 & 77; if you could incorporate your revision with that design. Thank You!
entry #152 & 153 Make the Spacing of the OC ATA MARTIALS ARTS Closer together and little bit bolder/thicker. Reference on the ranks of 3 and 4 of the kicking guy how the foot is solid on the ground and not pointing and away from the characters. With the font of the OCMA make it a different where it stands out like 3d, has a metallic effect or has more reflective effect on it.
#154, #156, and #158, #160 I like these entries please try different types of kicking guys on here like one kicking straight up. With the font can you try a different options with the glare like instead of it coming in the middle. have it the glare come from the top half, or the bottom half, come from an angle
can we get a few more entries of that with the base leg right between the C and M and also with entry 172 if you can move his left hand up or bend it to where it is not disappearing into the leg