OceanoLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Oceano

Oceano has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 144 designs from 22 different designers from around the world.






















Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Prefers others.


Amy - I like what you've done with number 1 here. Can you somehow open her arms so that they extend outwards? I would like you to go a little more compressed horizontally on the letters and even more modern with the letters. I'm seeing something going on with the a and the e where they could mirror like a yin / yang and be the same shape but flipped. Just an idea. I'm not very excited about 6 and 7.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
will work on and upload soon i think i get what your saying amy :)
11 years ago
Thank you for setting an example. It really is beautiful.
11 years ago
I have an extra eye on you now for sure.
11 years ago
The first one is better - I'm talking about the arms being out in a T - like she is about to give you a big hug - I like how you played with the letters though. Those are getting sexier. What happens if you take the psychedelic background out and put her in a wave inside the circle? Of in front of a wave - Like a barrel that you would see a surfer inside of?
11 years ago
Amy - number 15 is looking good but I don't want clean lines. I'm sorry I'm not more clear but I'm thinking arms out wide like embracing the word almost. I think it's getting too busy. Can you make it one color? Take this whole idea and how can you make it white? The woman looks a little alien to me but I like that you are going with a feminine image here.

11 years ago
Are you going to come forward on this today? I love what you are doing but I feel like I'm losing you. What's up?
11 years ago
I love this #15 and I would like you to consider my comments and keep going with it. Can you put her hair to the side? :) Please update yourself on the briefing and continue. Please. :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
sorry but i have been out all day and unable to get to my pc will work on when i get a min and upload amy :)
11 years ago
I really want you to focus on this circle with the silhouette nd the white writing. I think your work could be a game changer. I want the sitter to be very invisible but we need a wave starting at about 10 o'clock and then wrapping to flat at 7:00. We have to go with sophisticated and get rid of the psychodelic stuff. YOu are on to something that I really love and I like the modern font of the one that has the font low, that I saved. The sitter needs to have her arms wide like some of the others that I saved. An embrace. I want you to go with what you are doing. you are the only one nailing this idea.
11 years ago
Amy are you with us if I get you in the final or not?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
yer i was only out yesterday as i had to help my dad out ( he is old ) i'm back now and ready to work ill be on all to nite and all tomorrow amy :)
11 years ago
Amy, you are on track here with #64. I think we want hard lines - like no diffusion. You are onto something that can be really good here. I like how Kassai is able to hide his "yoga" image inside of some other action and inside of this matrix of a lotus and wave that he created. I know this is pushing you, but there are elements of your design which are very appealing. Her hair/head needs some work and perhaps the wave can some down across the bottom and hide here legs a little more. We would like to see a rendition where you are not using this diffused wave - where you just make it a nice clean arc and more "modern" looking - I'm sorry - I am terrible with design language. Try having the wave connect straight into the edge of the circle and following the path that you have it on. If you can do something interesting with the water, where I'm asking it to come across her legs at the bottom - maybe there is something interesting in that. Sorry - massive micromanaging going on here. I'm just really trying to push this forward with you. :)
11 years ago
Logo Designer
hi i have just been working on your design only to find i can not upload it , if you would like to see it let me know amy
11 years ago
Amy - we had to make some cutthroat final decisions. I am really sorry. If you want to reach me at oceanocommunity@gmail.com I would love to see it. Although we loved your work, we were having trouble seeing it in the first place spot. In the end, you got replaced by someone who we thought could end up being a better fit. I understand how frustrating this must be for you. Please send what you have and we will keep it in the mix and we'll have to buy it from you privately if we like it.

Thank you. Kent
11 years ago
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