Independent, Proven and Cost Effective ROV Solutions
What We Do
We operate Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) to provide subsea survey, inspection, maintenance and repair through cost-effective remote engineering solutions, to the Offshore Power, Oil & Gas and Subsea Construction industries.
They carry cameras and sensors like sonars and magnetometers, tools like torque tools and wire cutters and have very strong robot arms called Titan, Conan, Rigmaster, Orion etc.
Color Preferences
Marine environment colours, but we tend to paint our gear in very high visibility colours, so some use of yellows, orange etc may be good.
The Blue (Knowledge Trustworthy Calm), Grey (Sophisticated Neutrality), Yellow (Joy Intellect Caution) and Orange (Creativity Unique Energy) descriptions below fit well.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Descending into the water, into the depths of the ocean.
Fixing subsea installations
ROV mounted cameras inspecting deep sea equipment