1. On #166 can the 'Your Office, Your Way' please move to the bottom of the word 'Office"? 2. #166: Can we also try this logo in a bright orange as well as the current Green? Thank you
Ok 3 more things to try with #188 1. Can the 'O3' symbol be made into a iphone square (it is a little rectangular now) 2. After the above is done can we also try the symbol with a big 'O' & a little '3' (like the mathmatical equation?) 3. Finally do you also have a brighter green: bright, fresh, shiney? Thank you
I made some changes, and added some variations on a black background. Darker backgrounds will bring out the green better than white backgrounds because it's a color with a relative low contrast.
#195 is the best! Can we try with orange at the bottom of the square similar to #192. Also if I select this to win, can I have it with a black background?
Congratulations! I would like to receive the colour variations of the orange strip at the bottom in #207 & #208 on black background. Great work, thanks.