Thanks for the great work so far. Entry number 1 is my favorite from the others. #4 looks to cartoonish for me. #3 The "NY" is not clear. # 2 is nice. Could we try #1 with orange, blue and grey colors. Im curious as to what that would look like. I did make changes in my brief in regards to colors. Thanks
Thank you for the feedback. #29 & #30 are my latest update designs which incorporate Empire State Building and Apple also version in orange & blue as you request. Any suggestion is welcome & appreciate...
Hi ZIE, Could you do one thing for me. Place the red lines that you have over and under the font like in entry #70 onto entry#01 and could you add the lens flare as well onto entry #01 as you do on entry#70. And once you do that give me one version with the lines of the car the same as Entry#70.
Let me ask you something. Can you see all my entries by other graphic artists? Look at Entry#73 Can you make the font that color with lens flare onto entry#1? I am going to pick your logo as my logo. I just want to see which color scheme looks best with the font. Thanks
Great! Thank you for thinking ahead. I see you changed the size of the font to give different variations. they look great. I should have answer either by Saturday or Sunday my time. Thank you again for all your hard work Zie.
Zie, I will be selecting you as winner. Here is my email address I need the files to be big enough to make a Large Sign for a store front. I also need file sizes for web design, shirts, business cards and so forth. Can you also provide me with a logo on a transparent background? Are you using photoshop or illustrator? Also save one image large in size (save for web). IS it possible to get the actual photoshop file?
Zie, How are you? Could you tell me what font you used for the Words NY TINT SHOP on my logo? Is there a Photoshop file for this project? If so, could you provide me with it? I seem to of misplaced it? Thank you. Tom