Kanava, for entry #52, I am taking another look at this; It is high tech, which I want. I like it. Can you rewrite the "a" in nwamu in regular form; can you make patent and trademark font larger and more prominent about 1/3 the size of the nwamu pc font; I still like the logo idea as in entry #53 but the circled n might be confusing; can you include a separate logo (that corresponds to the high tech look of the fonts) before the nwamu pc.
Perfect logo; I like this very much; the gray of 109 seems to clash or may be too strong even though that color was okay for ranking 3; anything else we can do with the professional law corporation; Patent and Trademark Law should be more prominent than professional law corporaton
still not sure; patent and trademark font a little bigger; change "and" in patent and trademark to &; put a professional law corporation in parenthesis () and center. also professional law corporation is not vertically centered?
Getting there; i like this one 1. make patent & trademark bigger; i like how it is visible in # 90 for example. 2. one variation, put professional law corporation between lines like in #11 3. another variation put professional law corp between parenthesis e.g. (A professional law corporation)
Very good, almost there. I like #115. Only thing left is to work on A professional law corporation to make it more visible. It is important but not as important as Patent & Trademark Law.
Can you give a variation of #115 with A professional law corporation in darker gray to make it more visible. Also provide further two variations with A professional law corporation with increased font sizes.