#6 i like the sun and the colors and happy feeling but the tree misses the point and the cookie at the end looks like has m and m candies on it, not a healthy organic image
I simplify the graphic, so, it can be printed easily. I didnt notice your suggestins in the general page, the sistem doesnt tell us when a comment is made there, thats why it took me so long to know that you are asking me for changes.
Im making the changes right now, thank you for the feedback :)
I apologize. I didnt see your comments here either untill now. I liked the drawings but something just wasnt working. I think we made a breakthrough now with the hands. feels much better to me. can you add the tagline? thank you.
#46 Thank you. Can we take the colors out of the cookie, its an organic cookie with no food coloring and make the chips heart shapes only, not spirals. I Thanks.
#46 also can we experiment a little more to brighten up the background somehow? like an earthy green? or maybe yellow. sorry, so many changes. thank you for your patience.
i like it (#73) can we try putting the name on the bottom and wrapping the tagline around? or some other more interesting placement of the tagline. can you also do the same thing in the backround of the ranked 2 one? im not sure which color i lke better.
or the name on the top and the tagline across the bottom and side, like some of the other examples. by the way i really like the shading of the background.
Im enjoying it too :) ok, can we try this? in the 1st ranked choice, perhaps move the hearts out so they are equidistant between the logo and the tagline (instead of attached to the logo). i think this will create more balance and harmony thank you