Nutless by NatureLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Nutless by Nature

Nutless by Nature has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 187 designs from 30 different designers from around the world.






























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Logo Designer
okay, i am probably going to incur displeasure here, but I am wondering whether the name would be helped by changing it to nutfree by nature. I only bring this up, because in america (don't know if it goes outside this country), nutfree in slang has a very different and negative connotation. In proper american english it, of course, means exactly what YOU want to convey. But, if people pick up the slang joke and use it, it could lead to a negative connotation for your brand. Again, this might only be something you MIGHT run into in the US, and you may not ever market there, but I just thought I would bring it up in case noone had thought of that issue.

Beyond that, if you wish to see any variation on any design i submit (fonts, colors, additions, subtractions, etc) please feel free to ask.

12 years ago
haha.. I appreciate your suggestion but unfortunately it is too late to change the name.
I love your logos but was wondering if I could see an option without the moto on the side and without the slash through the 'by' circle..I dont want anything negative on the label...
Thank you! :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks for the feedback, the ranking, and for not being upset at my suggestion. :-)

12 years ago
Entry #99 is my favorite entry so far.. Can I see an option with the Captial letters for Nutless and Nature...
Thank you!
12 years ago
#114 is my fave! Im not sure about the font though.. can I see a few options?
I like the fact that it is clear and that it stands out! :)
12 years ago
Logo Designer
thanks again for the feedback. I put up a couple with some different fonts. I am heading to bed now (1:30 am here), but would be happy to try more fonts for you tomorrow (i mean later today, i guess) if you would like. If you have a personality you would like to suggest (sophisticated, playful, bold......) let me know.

Thanks again.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
anywhere you would particularly like me to go from here? Let me know, if so... (it rhymes :-) )

12 years ago
entry #138 .. can I see with a silver circle.??
12 years ago
Logo Designer
since the circle is attached to the tail of the y, I had to change the letters in by to silver, as well. I could probably try a circle that is unattached if you would like.
12 years ago
Entry #124 and #142... My top two.. I wanted to try and make the NUTLESS stand out more but keep the rest..
Can you show me some options for that..
I was thinking of making each letter a different bright colour??
Would love to see what you come up with..
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi again. I'm not sure i got it right, is this the kind of thing you were thinking of? or flat color like nature in multi-color or?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
PS: if any of these treatments work for you, let me know and i will adjust the one with the circle around it to match ones you would like to see.

12 years ago
I like #147... I like the silver for the N but can I see some more color options for the Nutless..
thanks so much :) Maybe a couple of more clear fonts too :)
12 years ago
I like #147... I like the silver for the N but can I see some more color options for the Nutless..
thanks so much :) Maybe a couple of more clear fonts too :)
12 years ago
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I don't understand the question marks. I sent you some private messages with some information about what I was doing (pursuing the possible font change first and honing in on that, before moving to the color issue? Have you checked those out yet? It's easier for me to communicate with you by private message at this stage, since I can send the message directly to you knowing you are notified when i send one, rather than just hope you see something in the comments section. However, since the one is still in first I'll go ahead an try a couple more color changes on the one in first, assuming we will be going with this font after all?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
PS: in the private messages I also addressed possibly things we could try with the color--since part of what i think is happening with having the silver first, is that it, since it isn't a bright/heavy color it is holding a different "weight"/balance than the other colors. Did you want me to try any of the other remedies I put in the message? And/or are there special colors you might like me to try within the word nutless?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
i put in a couple of circle ones where the N isn't in silver (thinking maybe since the circle itself and the by in these options have the silver it would provide another option. There is also a slight shadow, just on the word Nutless in some of the entries, to maybe help Nutless stand out more. Again, just something we can use or not--Totally up to you, just trying to throw up various options. Can take shadows away or make them stronger. Just trying to think of things that keep the look, but maybe make that word stronger since that is what you are hoping for?

Do any of what is currently up there work for you or is one/some getting closer to what feels right? Let me know, so i know if I should be doing more or whether we might have it? Want to get this right for you. :-)

12 years ago
I love entry #176.. i think you have done a great job at making NUTLESS stand out more... Now im just deciding if i should stick with the silver or use colours for the NUTLESS.. What do you think?

Can you show me some more color options for #176 on the nutless??

Thank you!
Gettting closer to the end now!
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I think that the silver will give you more options overall. You can use a colored background or a white background and by taking the color of the by up just a little and the color of the nature just a teeny bit stronger, they will hold their own with a fairly intense background. (with the file you get, any future graphic designer will also be able to add a shadow or reverse out some colors if you need to for other variations). I put a couple of samples up with the colored back. The new basic is 184 (that is the one i used on the colored background). But this is your representation, so it is something that you have to feel good about putting out there, so if you like the colored letters better, then you should go for it.
12 years ago
Hey! thanks so much for all your advise..
I love no 1.
However just to kill my curiosity one more time, can I see #147 with #176 font for nutless>??
Thanks :)

I will make my decision shortly
12 years ago
Logo Designer
187 is basically the same font as all the others, the only thing i could think of was to add the shadow that is currently on 176 which is basically the only difference in the nutless, beyond the colors which 147 already had.
12 years ago
hey there,
final copys look great!
Just concerned about the PDF file you sent through, it look like the border cut some of the logo off... could you please make the border larger??
Thank you
12 years ago
Logo Designer
I have explained this in your private messages, but have not received a reply so am posting here also. Please check your private messages. I don't supply a pdf, so am not sure what you are looking at. I am guessing since the .eps file in preview thumbnails will look like it doesn't have a border and is tightly clipped that is maybe the file you are referring to--that is because it doesn't have a border and the actual file has a transparent back. This is so the file can be "placed" in other documents and not have a white box around them. Unless you have appropriate software or know what to do with a eps file in placing it in other documents, you will not be able to see this correctly, but this is the way it should be (I have double checked my copy of the file.) The .eps file, however, is the file you will want to have on hand to supply to printers, web designers, and other graphic designers to create appropriate files for their output, so always keep a clean file of it on hand. This is also the file that if you want other things changed in the future, you would supply to your graphic designer (since it is made in industry standard software and is a vector file, they will have the appropriate software to change it and/or know how to handle it. (I tried to explain this in my original message regarding the uploads).

If, after approval of the current files you would like a .pdf file as well, please let me know a business or private email address to send it to, since logo tournament only supplies a place for me to upload an .eps and a .jpg. To approve the file click "Approve" link under My Account > My Ended contests. (Best place to leave me an email address I can send it directly to is in a logo tournament private message to me, since these comment sections become public after contest is finished.) Would LOVE to get this closed out (could actually use the money right now, so would appreciate an approval as soon as possible :-)

Again, the jpg will give you an accurate idea of what the eps will look like if it is placed in another document, and you don't want to have a white border on an .eps. Leaving it as it is will allow the transparent backed eps to be placed on a colored background with no white box around it.

12 years ago
Logo Designer
PPS: 2 things---i have just reread the above message and am afraid it may have come across a little terse--it was not meant that way--trying to get across technical stuff in a comment section is sort of hard to do, especially when I am not sure just how much someone knows about graphic files. If it did come across terse, please forgive. The other thing is I wanted to reassure you that I do know what I am doing re: technical details (have been in the field for over 15 years), so even though these contests don't guarantee you someone with practical experience, I just wanted to let you know that i do.

Thanks again.
12 years ago
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