NuteakLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Nuteak

Nuteak has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 350 designs from 37 different designers from around the world.


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Logo Designer
Hello NuTeak,

Great product you have! I tried to keep the logos simple, fresh and elegant

For #120 and the like, I used a wave to represent the marine aspect. Additionally the coiled wave represents the physical flexibility of NuTeak, since that is such a strong selling point.

For #122 I made a nautilus with a wooden representation.

#123 & #124 I made the whole of the logo represent a flexible deck planking by showing a corner upturned.

For #125 I'm showing a cleat and the decking as an icon. With #126 I have the anchor/teak tree to tie in both the maritime and the teak.

Please feel free to request any changes, such as color fonts... you name it. Your feedback is very appreciated.


11 years ago
#126 has a very interesting concept. Like how you incorporated the teak tree inside the icon. Not sure about the boat anchor at the bottom, but this might work if placed inside some type of crest like the options that my boss has asked to have ranked.

As it relates to the font face selection, not really in love with it. Makes me think of a steak house font and there's nothing that can give it that "wordmark" approach that we're seeking with the wording.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the feedback. I will try a few more options and upload this evening. :)

11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi NuTeak,

I'm trying a few more options keeping with the maritime theme. I think the anchor works well in convey the main focus of the product as well as the tree drawing a bit of that "I get it!" factor. In that this is decking material replacing traditional teak. As for the fonts, I tried a less known font but I kept it bold for "strength" but with soft curves for "refinement". Please let me know if there are any additional changes or suggestions you may want to see. Thanks again!

11 years ago
Hi thanks for the entries. Big boss reviewed them and decided not to go with the concept of the teak tree with anchor because he doesn't want to confuse people that might think it's real teak.
11 years ago
Logo Designer

I'm not sure that would be the case considering the name, but I understand his concern. My thought was to emphasize the name, since the product could have easily been called NuDeck, but the word Teak was used instead (and for a good reason). Arguably having the word Teak can then also be a problem, but since it says it is "Synthetic Teak Marine Decking" I would have to assume that it is obvious that the name means a new teak looking material. Anyway, no worries, unfortunately the contest has entered judging phase so only the first rank designer can now keep submitting, so I can no longer try any new ideas. Please let me know if the contest reopens, so I can be prepared. :)

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck and still feel that you have a winner product on your hands. In the years I have been in the business and involved in product branding/marketing, there have been only a few new products that have the potential that your product has (it should sell itself). I was wondering since it was not clear from what I researched, is the product made in the U.S.?

Again, all the best.

11 years ago
Thanks Marcelo. Yes the product is made in the US and I will see about reopening cause we are slow on responding due to the boat show season.

Here's the feedback that I've been given by the big boss. Might help you out.

He likes #90 because it's an icon and that it's a boat wheel (because it's a passion thing - nautical guys love it and using just a sailboat limits because this stuff is installed on powerboats, cruise ships, etc... it's even used on fishing fleets because when they gut the fish the oils do not soak into the product and are easily washed off with water and some soap [unlike fiberglass & real wood]). He also likes that there's some arrows pointing towards a direction on option #90 as it appears to represent movement but there's changes that still need to be made to finalize the logo because he also likes elements from what's currently ranked as number 2. The product is a luxury item and he wants to show something that gives a very rich image while still being simplistic.

So this is what I would have to say to you or anyone else that is working on this.

1. #90 is the icon that he likes most but he does not like the bevel that is in it. He prefers the clean style in the icon from #196 but he does not like the font on #196.

2. He really likes the textual treatment from option #168 but not the colors that are used. He finds that the A as the boat bow is a really cool concept, but he wants an icon associated with the logo cause that alone isn't enough.

3. He likes the NU from option #164. His idea is that if you can somehow integrate the NU from that option into the boat wheel icon from #196 that it would nice.

4. As for the icon if you can place it inside a crest, similar to on option #199 (to better understand this, if you look at the icon and look at the surrounding edges of the circle you can see it has some small little effect that makes it look luxury vs. just a solid line around it).

5. Another idea that he wanted to explore but never had a chance to because we were too long with getting feedback is to expand on the concept from #133. The idea he had was to take the NU from #164 and place it inside the middle instead of the N that's there now and add a boat wheel / crest like on #133. Then to have the planks go around it like it currently does on option #133 (but making it look cleaner). The feeling is that is #133 can be cleaned up and the N can be replaced with the NU from #164 that it would give an effect similar to the PN on the image at Then around the outside you can have the little jagged edges like on #199.

But with all that said, he's really in love with the boat wheel concept (even though we all find it is too distracting in it's current state).

Just wanted to share this little piece of information. I will contact LT support about extending the contest so we can try to expand on these options a bit more.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi and thanks for the info. Sorry for the delay, there was a bit of an awkward situation that occurred. In the rules of LT they ask that the CH not ask another designer to do or use an element that was previously not requested and already done by another designers. Fortunately the designer were ll very professional and did not step on each other's toes. But I noticed that because of this mutual respect we could not what you wanted. Use the wheel which was done by Jesicastudio nor were they using the rope border. It may be hard to understand, but in a way it showed a very professional attitude on every ones part. :)

Anyway, I contacted Jsicastudio, and we agreed to share the elements with each other in order to get you the best possible logo. Now that Jesicastudio has my permission to use the rope bolder and I use the wheel we are free to proceed without worrying of having a problem which lands us in Logotournament's "Logo Court". That is where we designers settle disputes and the community of LT members vote whether we are in violation of LT rules or not. Losing can mean violation points and being completely removed from a contest. (Just not a good seen).

The bottom line is that we will be uploading new designs based on collaboration and the agreement between the two of us, you are basically getting two designers in one. :) I was also informed that D4W and Jesicastudio will also be collaborating. So it in the end I think everyone walks away happy. I look forward to making the desired changed and I will upload asap. Thanks for your patients, you must have been wondering why we weren't quickly uploading new ideas.

As usual I'll be looking forward to any new feedback or suggestions you may make.


11 years ago
Wow... thanks for the feedback and for communicating with the other designers. Sorry if we're making life difficult, just you guys all have some pretty great ideas. Honestly the concept of JessicaStudio is what the big boss liked the most but the overall quality of the logo was pretty crappy and was lacking from a quality standpoint. Their wheel was too distracting and pulling focus away from the name and it wasn't enough high quality (so a concept that the big boss liked but he felt that jessicastudio isn't able to deliver the detail / quality that is needed to accurately represent our brand).

Anyways I'm not trying to put their work down or degrade them. Just wanted to explain. Thank you once again for your explanation.
11 years ago
Logo Designer

It was a bit comical, because I saw that we all were in a "Mexican Standoff" which must have left you wondering what was going on. :)

See, if I used the wheel then Jesicastudio could LC me. They could win the LC and I would be removed from the contest as well with all my designs (even the prior ones). And visa versa. So rather than hold up the contest, I figured I can take the initiative and contact them and work out a split. It's is common that designers do this rather than drawing out a contest with a dispute. In this case since up until yesterday, everyone was respectful, so I assumed that a compromise could be reached. So far that I know of Jesicastudio and I have reached an agreement between her and I and Jesicastudio and D4W have also agreed. I'm not sure about the others, but I did advise Jesicastudio, that one of us should post in the public area that some of us were working together otherwise, everyone else will just copy with the excuse, if Night Owl did it why can't I? I think they are welcome to also join in collaborating and do a 50/50 split which is what some I did.

Anyway, I did several new versions, I was not sure about the arrows. I understand that you want to keep the logo simple, so. it seems a bit distracting (that's just my opinion). Since our agreement to split the prize I can add them, but is there a meaning behaind the arrows that I'm not aware of. It seems as if it is indicating instructions of sorts (not sure if I'm explaining it right - kind of like saying turn clockwise). I did version #255 and #256 with the rope behind the wheel, which might give it that sense of movement the boss likes. What do you think?

I look forward to your thoughts and input.


11 years ago
Hi thanks for the clarifications and sorry I'm causing life to be so difficult for you guys. We just need to get this one right.

Honestly my boss liked the arrows because it represented moving forward. I really don't like it and find its extremely distracting. The goal is that the icon supports the name, not overpowers it. What I liked about your concept most is the rope around the wheel. Only thing is that the wheel is very generic (guess nothing customized can be made to a boat wheel). What I asked of jessicastudio was to add in the NU into the wheel to make it look more like its nuteaks wheel instead of some generic wheel template (might be too much).

Anyways I think I gave you more than enough information... I feel we are really close and tomorrow my boss will make his decision. Thanks for your patience and helping out... It's appreciated!
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi NuTeak,

All the info has been really great, I wish more CH's were as involved in their contest as you have been. It's all been very helpful.

I added an NT as per your suggestion, I can do NU if you prefer. My personal opinion is that the NT represents Nu and Teak whereas NU is like a complete word (new) and also only half of the company name. (only an opinion, I can just as easily add it the other way too. Please let me know if you want me to add the arrows, if so, I'll ask Jesicastudio, but I assume that it would be OK, since we are collaborating. Also, feel free to ask them to change/add anything you prefer from my designs.


11 years ago
Logo Designer
I forgot to add that if you want to see a change in the icon proportion to the text. Just let us know. :)
11 years ago
Lets say icon from 271 and the font from 279 (teak word looks cool). Only issue is that you can't really read NU too well. I like your idea of NT instead of NU... Makes much more sense.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Im uploading your request now.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Oops, I just realized that the contest is in judging phase. You will need to temporarily position me in first so that I have an upload button, then you can drop me back down. Only the first rank designer will have an upload button, you would need to to the same for other designers as well, if you need a revision.

If you do rank us for the purpose of getting a revision, please leave a comment on our page. This way we get an email notification letting us know that you ranked us and we won't keep you waiting.


11 years ago
Hi I just changed the order. If you can upload as I'm meeting with the big boss in 15 minutes to review everything.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Got it. Thanks!
11 years ago
Hi I reviewed everything with my boss. He would like to see your concept with the font face of teak from #293 but he doesn't like how you write NU.

Also he doesn't like the NT inside the wheel like from #293 (he finds it's too much).

Now here's the tricky part. He likes how on #244 that it doesn't have the entire wheel & he wants the arrows like from jessica's original option (although I find it to be too busy). The reason is that he thinks it will help represent that nuteak is moving forward (again I disagree). I'm not asking you to steal the concept from another designer (I understand now how this site works)... but maybe you have some type idea to incorporate the icon and the word nuteak together a bit more?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi I want to try a few more options.

As per your last request, do you want the wheel, arrows and the rope? I agree with you that it may be too distracting. What I have done was added the arrows so that it becomes part of the wheel. This might help bring in the feel your boss wants, without adding an additional element and competing for attention.
11 years ago
Hi the arrows are pretty cool looking. Any way to maybe give a little bit more spacing so that it is a bit more obvious?
11 years ago
More specifically I think the arrows in 308 are the ones that stick out most. The other one is also pretty cool.

Just wondering how we can incorporate making this to fit into the logo.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Absolutely :)
11 years ago
What I meant was something like #308 but with a bit more spacing between the arrows. Right now lets say there's 1px space between the edge of the arrow and the end of the other one. If you could add say 1 more px or 2 just so ppl can see better that it's an arrow.

Also the wheel if you can put it in teak instead of blue.

This way tomorrow I can let the other designer upload his final option and my boss can choose.
11 years ago
Thank you for uploading the revised options. I am just waiting on the other designer now and then we can make the final selection. I really appreciate your patience with us. I really like what you have come up with, now up to the big boss to decide!
11 years ago
Also one last thing I forgot to ask... what will this logo look like on dark background vs. light background? (we need to make sure that our logo works well on light & dark colors).
11 years ago
Logo Designer
For a darker background you would need a logo a version with a small white out line and probably a reversed version too. Most designers will happily send additional files beside the two file required through the LT upload.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Please let me know if you need me to upload the design on a dark field.


11 years ago
Yes this would make things a bit easier. What I would suggest is changing some of the colors to white / greyish so that they stick out vs adding an outline / shadow. We want to keep this concept clean.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
I can't upload unless I'm placed in first. Also, since I wanted to avoid stepping on any toes and holding up the contest I need to ask, do you still want the ship wheel partially around the name. I noticed that it was D4W that first did the partial wheel, and only he and I had discussed splitting the price by using the ship wheel with Jesicastudio, so it's OK for me to do it now. Also I now see that there are movement lines on the other designers wheel. Can you please confirm that you requested this initially from Jesicastudo and it was not her idea. We are not allowed to infringe on other designers ideas, but if you (Nuteak) suggested it before JS did it, then there should be no problem.

Please let me know when I can upload. Thanks again.

11 years ago
Logo Designer

Please post when you are ready for me to upload, so that I will get an notification email. I prepared a few more ideas which helps refine the design into one overall icon/wordmark. On a couple, I'm using the arrow from the ship wheel as a visual pointer to the name so that it works as one solid logo, rather than having elements compete for attention.


11 years ago
Hi I just put you into the 1st place position so you can upload.

As to answer your question, the ship wheel was first introduced by jesicastudio (full wheel). D4W then created a 1/2 wheel (prior to an agreement being made between everyone) but it was a 1/2 wheel. T-sovo created a 3/4 wheel and integrated it into the logo.

In the outline we specifically asked to have an icon that represented nautical in general and we did not want to have anything showing a photo of a particular boat type. This really only left a wheel or rope. We also asked to have some movement inside it so that it made it look like nuteak was moving forward. We had to ask Jesicastudio to even change their arrows because their original concepts had the arrows point backwards (like we were moving behind :)).

I realize nobody is allowed to infringe on ideas and to be honest the one thing that sold my boss on t-sovo's design is the textual treatment / wordart. Specifically how the A looks like the bow of a boat with teak lines on it. We knew that we would end up with some type of nautical element as an icon. And yes we did ask him to add nautical elements to his concept, despite him not wanting to because he found his wording nuteak had a nautical element already in it (and I agree). Regardless he did create a large variety of icons for us to select as well as different font treatments. He used a boat using lines, a conch, a wheel & something else I don't recall right now. I'm not trying to defend him just wanted to explain as I do not want anyone to get into trouble here. Everyone has worked so hard to help us align for this new brand.

Now to answer your question, the reason why t-sovo's design was chosen by my boss is because the wheel is present and that the word nuteak is coming out of it, then more specifically how the word nuteak has a textual treatment to it (he's worked on a few concepts since first introducing his initial textual treatment concept and if he gets chosen as the winner we will want him to emphasize a bit more on the A - making it cut out more from the letters e & k.).

I hope this helps you.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi thanks for the explanation,

It's not so much about me winning, but I feel that it's morally right for JesicaStudio to not be cut out. She/he was the first to introduce the ship's wheel and the suggestion of movement (arrows). There were over 200+ entries and yet everyone remained very professional and respectful of each other. Keep in mind that of the hundreds of designs and designers only one will be chosen as winner. It is the small details that may make our design win or not. Every designer showed considerable constraint even when in the Top 5, so much so, that no one was entering any more designs. So I took the initiative and contacted JS and greed to splitting the prize in exchange of of (buy the rights, if you will) to using that elements, she agreed. D4W in turn did the same. So the contest was back on. Suddenly other were using the wheel and movement something not done by others in over 200 entries. I sent a PM to the others saying that the right thing to do is work out a split, but they felt it was not. Please keep in mind that I do not know JS nor the other designer personally. But I do know what fair is is and I just feel it's unethical that JS not be compensated for her ideas. That is why I wanted to be clear if the suggestions were initiated by you or if JS did it on her own accord. Hopefully everyone does right and no one leaves JS out of the picture. A 50/50 split is the fair thing to do if anyone wins with the use of a wheel and/or the arrow/movement suggestion.

As for the use of the A with the lines, technically most everyone used the words with the planks, so just isolating the A would be considered open to all. However, because T-sovo had been using it, I rather not step on his toes, besides I not a fan element/icons competing within the logo. Which I think all of us agree on :)

Anyway, as always thanks for the feedback and I'd love to get any additional thoughts you may have.

11 years ago
Logo Designer
BTW feel free to send me or the other designer a private message by by clicking on our profile and clicking the "Send a Private Message" button.

11 years ago
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