NuteakLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Nuteak

Nuteak has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 350 designs from 37 different designers from around the world.








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Hi thanks for your entries. Here's some feedback.

We like the icon concept from entry #12 using the boat wheel (universal symbol for nautical). Would be interested in exploring this a bit more in depth. The only issue is that we dislike that the arrows are going counter clockwise... makes it look like we are moving backwards.

Second point is that the font face is WAY too bulky. We like more the font face from your concept #15 (but NOT in italics - we prefer a straight font).

Additionally with your font on #12, the black shadow / outline makes the logo look less professional / clean.

So we would like to see something a bit more creative with the boat wheel and font treatment.
11 years ago
We think we like to have NU in caps and teak in lowercase lettering as well so that the emphasis is that we spell "new" as N + U and NOT "new"... but this isn't as important as nailing the icon concept and the font face selection.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Dear NUteak,
Thanks for your feedback,
im work on it now!

All the best

11 years ago
Hi Jess. We're going to review the options you submitted with the wheel along with some of the options submitted by others to narrow this down. Thank you for taking the time to give us these updates.
11 years ago
Logo Designer
No worries,
just feel free
11 years ago
With #164. What about putting that NU that you made inside some type of nautical related crest instead of a boat wheel & then having NUteak beside it with a nice looking font?
11 years ago
Like merge the icon concept from #90 with the NU from #164 and use the font from #90?
11 years ago
Logo Designer
Updated in #165 #166
11 years ago
You see how in #164, #165 & #166 how you have the NU written? This is nice, but we rather have that somehow inside a nautical related crest and to use nuteak the same way you have it written in #90. If you look at some of the other entries submitted you'll see what I mean by the crest icon on the left of the logo.

Big boss likes your boat wheel icon but doesn't love it. He just likes it because it represents something nautical. He is wanting to see something that's more unique to nuteak but fits nautical theme. We do not want to see a boat or sailing ship because we don't sell boats or sailboats or pirate ships. Maybe try to put the NU inside some crest and have some teak lines inside it.

If you look at you'll see a photo of a teak like flooring with a logo icon inside it. Perhaps something like that (just trying to give you something to work with if you have other ideas feel free to submit them).
11 years ago
Logo Designer
you can check it now!
11 years ago
Hi the big boss is still in love with your boat wheel concept, but still finds it to be too distracting when beside the logo.

He likes that you have the icon and that the icon is a boat wheel. He also likes that there's some arrows pointing towards a direction to represent movement but there's changes that still need to be made to finalize the logo because he also likes elements from what's currently ranked as number 2 (so I see this as a competition between the both of you on who wins).

So this is what I would have to say to you.

1. #90 is the icon that he likes most from what you created but he does not like the bevel that you have in it. He prefers the clean style in the icon from #196 but he does not like what you did to the font on #196.

2. He really likes the textual treatment from option #168 but not the colors.

3. He likes the NU from your option #164. His idea is that if you can somehow integrate the NU from that option into the boat wheel icon that it would look nice.

4. As for the icon if you can place it inside a crest, similar to on option #199 (if you look at the logo icon surrounding the circle is some small little effect that makes it look luxury.

5. Another thing that is liked is the icon from #133. The idea he had was to take the NU from your #164 and place it inside a crest like on #133 and have the planks show up like it does. Basically you take your NU from #164 and make it look like the PN on Then around the outside you can have the little jagged edges like on #199.

Does this make sense to you? Do you have any questions? Can we finalize this with you?
11 years ago
Better, but still needs some work. Please see the last notes that I submitted to you. Please read through those notes and see what you can do. Please ASK some questions first if something is not clear.
11 years ago
Thanks for the last round of submissions. Do you think you can show it where the icons isn't overpowering the nuteak words? What I mean is that the icon is soooo much bigger than the words nuteak which is pulling focus away from the name.

The main focus needs to be nuteak and the icon needs to just support it and show the nautical theme. This is what the big boss is looking for.

Also just one little question. Do you have any ideas for making the boat wheel a little bit less busy looking? Maybe fill it in more and have the NU a bit larger? Just a suggestion as that was one of the small issues that the big boss had with your entry and why we asked others to play off from the boat wheel concept.
11 years ago
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