NRAYSLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / NRAYS
NRAYS has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 333 designs
from 40 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
NRAYS LLC is a Property Maintenance company located in Brevard County Florida. We provide maintenance for rental units managed by real estate companies in the area, as well as completing tenant service calls, and renovations for owners.
Color Preferences
I would like to see some shade of Red to be the main color. Black, and white are good companion colors.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
To break it down, The name NRAYS is a play on the owners name (N-Ray-S). Finding a way to implement something to do with the word "Ray" is the goal. I've tried to build a design with a Manta Ray coming up and over from behind the name. That was my thought process. but I'm totally open to all new ideas.
Brevard County Florida is the 'Space Coast'. This is where the Space Shuttles launch at and where Space X is located. My brand doesn't have anything directly involved with that, just info for background knowledge. We are a coastal county with mainland, island, and coastal communities. All of which I work in. I like contemporary designs, very basic yet very powerful. Our company's success has been built on our professionalism, our communication between tenants and agencies, and our ability to properly diagnose issues. (I don't know if any of that is helpful).
Brevard County Florida is the 'Space Coast'. This is where the Space Shuttles launch at and where Space X is located. My brand doesn't have anything directly involved with that, just info for background knowledge. We are a coastal county with mainland, island, and coastal communities. All of which I work in. I like contemporary designs, very basic yet very powerful. Our company's success has been built on our professionalism, our communication between tenants and agencies, and our ability to properly diagnose issues. (I don't know if any of that is helpful).
Style Inspiration