We like 103 and 101, but not sure about the f in 103 or the A in 101. I know we shouldn't mention other designers, but we love the style font on #87. If you could find a style similar, that would be great!
Greenlite, we are very close to a winner! Can you try a few things with #105? Increase the size of the font of Not Afraid so that the top of the t is even with the top of the ribbon (keep the ribbon the same height) Also can you spread the Not Afraid apart a little more (give more space for the ribbon) and try to have the butterfly not touch the Afraid like in #101. Thanks!
Thanks alot! Here's the revisions : #116 : as suggested, font size increased with the top of t is even with the ribbon and more space between the letter and ribbon
#117 : "Not Afraid" font less slanted for your comparison