Thank you for the logo suggestion. I love the lion in the middle. Its strong, classic and symbolic. What I don't like is the film-like. I don't want the logo to be "film-like" but more have the message of strength, flexibility, creativity and power.
I also love entry 65 with the three swords. Its also quite symbolic, as its a symbol of the king that gathered Norway into 1 kingdom. The other part of the story is that the bigger swords is the kings sword and the smaller ones are the smaller kings (loosing kings, that now are under the king) swords. Its also a symbol that the swords are set in stone as a peace mark never to be used again.
I love the symbolic part of this, but I am not sure I want the film-like of the one swords, how would it look without it? and could it be something else done to it rather than being film-like?
Maybe a combination of #56 and #77? I feel that the circle around is getting to closed up and blumpy, but I am not sure. Would it be better to include the ground (as in 77?) or maybe this one is the better one.
I would also like to see how it looks with "norsk filmdesign" (the norwegian version), would that be possible? About the color- I would prefer red(-ish) rather than the color now.
Thank you for your work so far. This is starting to look really good! :-)
I am not sure. I love the swords, but I not sure about the ground, or what it should have in the bottom. Now it feels to "flat" in the bottom, if you know what I mean. And I like that #77 symbols unity, although I didnt like the exact look.
Wow! I love both #82 and #83. Let me think a little about it and ask some of my friends. I love this :-) About the colors though, I am not sure- but its not hard to change later on anyway right? I think the red is to bright. Maybe something more dark red would look better?
Thank you so much Yulia! Love where this is going :)
I can't upload the final files, this function is currently blocked for your contest, i only see the message: "This contest is currently being reviewed by Administrators. Please contact Support and we will respond as soon as possible. " Could you please contact the support team, so i could upload the files? I would do it ASAP.