Northwest Natural CareLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Northwest Natural Care

Northwest Natural Care has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 107 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.






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Logo Designer
Hi, this is an honor to be participating in your contest. Here is my design #18 - #23, I hope you like it.
If you have comments, please let me know.

Greetings. Daniel.
13 years ago
Great work!

We'd like to see the "Northwest" slightly larger (15%-20% perhaps).

Also, we'd like a few other color options for the "cross" element.

Can the "leaf" element in the cross be altered, possibly to two or three smaller leaf segments instead of one? Good job on the spikey edge, though.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for your comments and rating.
Here is the design with the required change #26 - #31. I hope you are well.
Your comments are welcome.

It is a pleasure to work for your design.

Greetings. Daniel.
13 years ago
#27 is looking awesome.

Can you accentuate the shadow under the "cross" element slightly, to add a little bit to the 3-d feel?

As for the lettering, can we see "Northwest" with a capital "N", and also a version with a capital "W" in "west"? And can you change the coloring to three light shades of green, a different shade for "Northwest", "Natural", and "Care"?

For the cross element, the only two color schemes we really like are #27 & #29, so we can skip the others.

Really good stuff, thanks a lot!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for your comments and rating.
Here is the design with the required change #46 #47 #48 #49. I hope you are well.

Greetings. Daniel.
13 years ago
Hello #51 symbol is great but the lettering could use some color, could you please send us several versions of #51 with different coloring & shading done for the lettering
13 years ago
Maybe even a couple with some 3D effects to the lettering as well for #51
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for your comments and rating.
Here is the design with the required change, some volume effects #60 - #64.

Greetings. Daniel.
13 years ago
I love what you've done with the 3-d effect, especially #60.

Can we try a version with the lower case "W" in "west"?

And can we see the "Northwest" lettering in a shade of green just slightly darker than the "natural"?
13 years ago
#62 is nearly perfect, except we'd like you to replace the "Northwest" with the "Northwest" from #65. Please then increase the size of the "Northwest" to run from the "N" in "Natural" to the "L".

Thanks again for your time!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, I am pleased.
Here is my disñeo with the required change #82. I hope you are well

Greetings. Daniel.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello dear, I hope you are well.

If you have comments about your design, please let me know.

It will be a pleasure to work for your logo.

Greetings. Daniel.
13 years ago
I believe we have come to a decision that #82 is the logo we are going to choose as a winner but can you please send us several color scemes of different colors & shades

Thank you very much
Very nice design
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hello, thank you very much for your comments, I feel very happy about it!.

Once you finish the competition and choose the winner,
I can deliver the required designs to your personal email.

It is a pleasure to work for your design.

Greetings. Daniel.
13 years ago
Hello we have selected you as a winner can you please send us a multitude of different color variations.

Thank you very much
Northwest Natural Care
13 years ago
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