Hi, It was supposed to be wind rose pointing north not a star. But here is another idea more closer to said phenomenon. (It's May here and lilacs in full blossom so it's kind of hard to think of north - no wonder if the winner will be some Eskimo).
i like the first one better. what if we don't think and capture the image of the northern lights. how about another image syngistic to sports. the main sports will be lacrosse. perhaps there is something you can do with that. take a ook at the logo for the bayhawks (http://thebayhawks.com/). thxs
close...i'd like to simplify it if possible.... can you remove the "NL"? can you make the person more abstract? can you make the swoosh come off the lax stick as if he was shooting? can you change the word "Athletics" to grey? thxs.
I shifted a bit palette toward blue. I also simplified players (one more than the other) but If they are still not enough abstract please let me know. Oups,.. I forgot about gray. I will post it in a minute.
i like this version the best...a couple of things 1. can you change the word athletics to gray and stretch it to fit under the northern lights 2. for the logo can you just make a VERY abstract person with the lacrosse stick?
i'd like to finalize my deicision. please let me know if you can make the player more abstract or remove him from the logo and just have the stick appear under the words with the swoosh coming off the stick. thxs.
Not much untested options left for abstract player - last one with round head was really basic so this time I drop the player and leave the stick. If this is too simple you can always go for version with player and throw it away when necessary.