I guess it's the right side - trying to make it look like a tooth... if you like the concept of half stat and half tooth (since the shape of Ohio looks like the shape of a tooth) - I'll redraw it. Once I drew it, I moved a couple lines to even make it look like the letter "N" also, and the bottom right of the "N" is why it may look saggy. Thanks - I'll keep trying Kib
#14 and #15 have potential. Can you sharped the State outline and change the font of the business name. I don't like the look of having NORTHEAST and..... ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL separated or capitalized differently.
Added motion lines drawing attention to the top right (northeast) - combination of the state of Ohio to the left and a tooth to the right... both representing the shape of Ohio. Thanks Kib
Try using the same font for the entire company name: Northeast Oral and Maxillifacial Surgeons, Inc. What other shapes do you suggest other than a tooth? We may want to get away from the tooth totally. thanks!! Dark Blue is a great color!
We are starting to like the one that we rated #1....entry #34. Can you play around with the font and the colors to make is more vibrant and the font should almost be all the same. Maybe change the color of the star. Deepen the blue...think about hunter green for the swoosh...