your ideas are great. i actually liked one of the logos you withdrew which had the 2 mountains in it. we are staying at the brand new St. Regis which is awesome!
My die hard skiers love #21 & #10. Our guests are 50/50 skiers to non skiers. Any ideas you have guiding your work more towards the top 3 ranked would be greatly appreciated. thanks again.
thank you skiers for liking my design #21...revisions to consider...i'm hoping this appeals to the non skiers as well. #73 #72 Just pretend this is the view from the top deck...while sipping on your favorite beverage...and snaking on those delicious wasaby monkey balls...or relaxing at the beach with some hot turkey chilly.
It's obvious you are designing from experience, awesome work. my crew loves it. do you think dropping blue in on #85 in any part of the mountain, on the Skiis or Deer Valley works??? you're going to have to sign this for me.
#108 #109 ( #110 i like this blue best) #111 w/blue DeerValley. ..thank you so much. and i would love to sign this on my next trip over there...after all, my ski equipment stays in Park i already have an excuse to visit.