#46 and #47 - I need both versions depending of the background to use.
It is my original logo, but I like it that way now.
Can you do the logo as the same size of the letters? I mean tall as Noel Del Pilar and Destination Wedding Photographer without distortion? I know that this make the logo a little bit smaller but no problem
Any way, do I receive this in layers like a psd file too? Because I want to have the option to change the color of the letters from black to white. And I want to have the option to move the logo if necessary.
Thanks Noel. I just posted the revisions requested.
With the logo package you will receive an EPS and a JPEG, but I can also e-mail you separately a layered PSD of the logo with and without the background.
#82 is the winner! I want this logo in .png, jpg and psd is possible. Also, with transparent background, one version in white letter and another in black letter, just ot use in different media.
Thanks Noel. I uploaded the LogoTournament files. I'll get your PSD and other files together. Should I e-mail those to the info@ address on your website?