No Name yetLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / No Name yet

No Name yet has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 105 designs from 22 different designers from around the world.


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Logo Designer

I have checked the domain name for "" ...and thankfully, it is available.

Also, there are a few others that struck me as particularly good choices, but I felt this was the best.

"The Strong" is, what I believe this name means, in English. I wanted to have a logo that *inspired* people, and gave them a feeling of exceeding boundaries; that is why you see the symbol in the center as exceeding its boundary of the circle. The symbol in the center was created with the emotion of "the number 3 is the first number that signifies 'producing' anything" in, one person and one other person come together and create something. Whether that is a family, a company, a project, or the like...the number 3 is a very stable number and a positive one at that. One other connotation that is important to note here: a two-legged table cannot stand. A three-legged table can; the number 3 also signifies stability, as much as it signifies movement.

I hope you understand my thinking, and agree with my thoughts here. If you have different goals in mind for your brand, please do let me know. I count myself as a highly resourceful and flexible Designer, and would be happy to stretch my creativity for you. I like making my clients very happy. So yes -- by all means, feel free to share with me what you think of these designs, and if your creative goals are similar or different than these first designs.

Also, please note: I will be uploading more versions as I find new ways to present your brand.

I hope you have a wonderful afternoon.

10 years ago
Hi Jennifer, and thank you very much for your designs.

If i can be completely onest, its not really what we are looking for, sorry.
it s nearly the car brand Mercedes.
Also the colors are not really i wrote in the description.

Your Idea and the association behind is absolutely great!!! But the logo should be a little bit more elegant and luxury.
The next is that "Das Stark" doesn't really mean something in german. I don't know what it should be, sorry.

If you have some other ideas please let us know. Thank you very much and kindest regards. Dominic
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Dominic,

Oh, shoot.....hahaha...whoopsie! Google translate was what I used to come up with the name.... :)

Will be getting a more appropriate one created for you. :)

So....when you say "elegant and luxury" that's great to know. Since that can be very subjective for many people, would you be so kind as to let me know what brands you feel emulate the specific kind of "elegant and luxury" as it relates to your brand? There's so many different ways to interpret that.....if you could expand upon that, it would be very helpful. :)

In the meantime, I'll be looking for some more brand names.

Thanks again for your thoughts; they are invaluable to the process. Have a great day.

10 years ago
Hi Jennifer,
thanks for your answer.

So we also didn't find a good name for our company. We thought that this will be easier together with the logo and a slogan somebody will find here? :)

this is one of a simple and good looking logo. But if our logo is much better we will love it for sure :)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Dominic,

I have a few other names that are suitable. Oddly enough, one name in particular strikes me as a possibility....but I am unsure how exactly how to proceed. It's actually a domain name I own; I've been wondering whether or not to use it for my own purposes. Since you are looking for "a" domain name, and I own it, I think the best way to handle it is for you to look at it and think of it as any typically "available" domain name would be evaluated. IN this case, though, it's already bought -- I own it -- and this would require a transfer after the whole thing is over. I'll verify if this is acceptable with Admin here at LT....but for now, I'll just post the name and see if you even would like to use it, before I go ahead and assume it's even a viable choice.

It's "" <-- I created this name awhile ago in hopes of using it for a business. I've played around with it, and been kind of thrilled with it, but the business I was developing has changed rapidly, so I've got no use for it anymore.

Do you like that name? It's got a nice ring to it, imho.

Let me know if it's a name you'd even consider using, and if so, I'll go ahead and ask Admin if I am allowed to use a name I've already purchased for this contest.

Looking forward to your thoughts,
10 years ago
Hi Jennifer,

thanks a lot for your work!

Swoona ist not really what we like - sorry.
The name is really good but not for us, sorry.

we got some logos which are really interesting...

thank you very very much for your work!

best regards dominic
10 years ago
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