hello, i went with something a bit different and hid a 9 inside a dragonfly wing =) the final result is quite unique and memorable and i think it also does a good job of capturing the dream-like quality that you mentioned in the breif. the simplicity of the design means it will be very easy to reproduce in any format, including black and white. any feedback would be great, thanks, bugy
Thank you for your submission. I agree it incorporates the dreamlike quality we mentioned. It is very unique and simple at the same time. I was wondering if you could make it stand out a little more. Possibly make the background a pure white and the blue a little darker?
Thanks and I appreciate your ability to understand what we are looking for.
Thanks for resubmitting. The more I look at this the more I like it. I still think it needs to be darker. If you can make it darker or show up better, both the wing and the wording that would be great.
Also if you could play around with the inside a bit, I think we can find something that works. Either try to remove the lines on the inside and keep the 9, or remove the 9 and keep the lines.
Basically, we really like the outline of your design but would like to see some other options along the same lines, as well as making everything darker to stand out more.