I thought of an event organiser as someone very busy and needing to go (maybe not literally) from place to place - the bird is very efficient, controlled yet elegant and graceful.
I thought I would do a version for you in black and white to show you that the design is strong and versatile enough to work in one colour - this can be important for printing if you ever decide to have shirts made up for your employees, or some balloons made up for special events etc ...
Thanks for the additional submission of the straight font and the bird. I like this one as well, possibly even more than the first one. And I appreciate seeing the first one in b&w. It looks nice without the color as well. Wish I had more feedback for you but I can't find any complaints. I really like them.
Hi Husk. I'm still in the process of making my final decision and had a question for you. If I go with Entry #1 would you be able to provide the logo to me as is, and also without the bird element so I could use it both ways? Thanks.