Dear John First thanks for your ranking.... Based on your comment in the general discussion I just wanted to explain to you that apart the EPS and PNG file that logotournament requires to send to you I usually also send variations of the logo like grayscale, black&white (perfect for fax and signage) and also other file formats like PSD (photoshop... specially for brochures or photo-montages) or PNG (with transparent background, to use in your word or powerpoint documents and also perfect for the websites)... and of course the EPS/Illustrator files that are the best option for business cards, letterheads and other corporate printing material
Please don't mind to ask about any change you wanted to see in the logo or about any doubt you have
hi John, thanks for your feedback and for your ranking again I'm sorry to not read your comments before... when you write your comments in the designer page we receive an email about your comment, not when the comment is in the general area anyway I read your comment :) ... and here is the version with the bolder "REAL STATE"... I'll send some revisions with the bolder version too... I'll try with blue too...
hi John, I'll need to be out for about one hour but remember that even when the contest is over you can ask the designer ranked first to send new versions of their designs :)
Dear John, I suppose that what you want is to see how your logo fits with your signs, but here in Logotournament is not allowed to use signs or applications of the logo (mugs, business cards, etc,... ) I'm sorry about that
Please don't mind to ask me about any other change you wanted