FEEDBACK: I would increase the gradient a little bit on the "NEX" of the company name, we need some dark grey in there.
also, make sure the slogan "Bringing the Web and IT to small businesses" is in black, OR something that would be nice to try is a horizontal gradient (for the slogan)... it's an idea.
You had a nice "reflection" effect on your design #78, I would like to keep that (maybe even add some for the title and slogan?)
and, one last thing, some designers have been making a sharp glow-line that runs across the company name, we really liked that touch, if you could add it it would be splendid.
I know this is a lot of details, but we're really appreciating your work, and it's coming along nicely as well.
April 28th, 2010, 7:32pm IMPORTANT NEWS: (TO ALL DESIGNERS)
1. Contest will be extended since we have not yet found a suitable design 2. Brief-case has been updated (Mostly with the stylistic sliders) to reflect what we need. 3. We need new logos and ideas, we are seeing too much of the same design shapes, don't be afraid to improvise if need be, we'll be giving feedback as soon as we see your logo online. 4. Feel free to contact us via private messages if need be,
Hi there, Thanks for graet feedback also the ranking you give it to me. Here's i re submit revision design as you request..add more gradient at "nex", making reflection under the icon and letter of slogan, add a sharp glow-line that runs across the company name. Hope you like it. Thanks
nice, #148 is looking good. The globe/logo needs to feel a bit more refined though. The stripes that go around it are nice and refined, but the globe inside looks a bit dirty, not refined enough.