#221 - NV stylized with background recalling the colours of a beautiful sunrise and green hills where the letters NV stand. #222 - the same concept without the hills.
This design search for the warm cosy feeling yet professional look.
Let me explain the use of the bold strong font. As far as I see it people who need your services are looking for stability, protection, they're searching for reliable support. That's what I'm looking for when forging the design.
#274 - #276. I like what you did with the colors. It's actually very close to what I envisioned. Try putting a hard border (no line) to make it look more like an actual painting on a canvas. The silhouette is nice too, except that it looks like the figures are facing toward the front (and looking back over their shoulders). Can they be made to look like they are viewing a painting in a museum, with their backs to us? And I like the figure with no legs, because it can more easily be considered either a man or a woman. I'm not too worried about the font just yet. Be warned, this whole idea may not work out in the end, but I appreciate the chance to take a look at it. thanks!
Thank you for the comment. I'll see if I can switch the design in that direction. Actually I like your idea very much and even if it doesn't work in the end I'm into it. It's very original and unique and it's kinda exciting to work on something like this.
Absolutely! The concept may be flawed but you definitely nailed it. I would like to see the rectangle even larger. Start with #284. Make the rectangle taller. Add border like in #277 (or even thinner). I'd like to check that out. Thanks!
#437 is a VERY EXCELLENT logo. It's not going to work for new visions, but you should definitely hold onto it. I think it would be perfect for a movie making company. Just wanted to tell you that.
Thank you, I also think it suits very well for a movie company but since it pop out while I was thinking of this contest I submited here :) Anyway your current choice is very good and it's always nice to see Competition Holder with a taste.