New Redstone LogoLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / New Redstone Logo
New Redstone Logo has selected their winning logo design.
For $675 they received 909 designs
from 113 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We are student housing investors and operators. We buy student housing complexes and then manage them. Our company is always looking for investors for our projects as well as students to live in them.
Color Preferences
We would really like to keep some of our current colors. A burnt red and dark gray, if possible. Open to other things. So red, gray, black.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
You can see our current logos labeled Redstone Residential. I like the current colors. We want to simplify and just have it say "Redstone" then we can add the division name below as needed. Those divisions will be "Residential" and "Student Living". Hoping to keep some kind of simplified mountain logo. Sans serif, simple font. No box or circles around logo - just open. My favorite of the images below is probably the one that says "Keystone". Just looking for an update that will feel much more modern but still keep the mountain motif.