Hi we both really like this one but we were wondeing if you could replace a guitar player with a dancing girl and if you could take the skull and and replace it with two guys wrestling and stuck in a lock
Can we have a guitar player on one side and keep a dancing girl on the other side? Also the wrestlers look too cartoon-ish .. we want it to look more hardcore with blood on the forehead and a banner behind the crown with the guitarist standing on the word NEW and the girl standing on the word AGE ... I know the contest has ended but we still do not have what we are looking for ... I hope you can do this for us.
We really liked the one that was disqualified ... put the rocker back in, have a girl on the other side ... maybe not have her in silhouette ... and a banner reading NEW AGE ... and then the VAUDEVILLE is across the bottom, guitar player standing on NEW and the dancer standing on AGE .... we liked the crown and everything else about the disqualified entry .... I hope this feedback will help you... we only have one more day to get it done...
Ok, we like entry #100 the best, but can we make NEW & AGE "pop" a bit more and can we make the wrestlers a little smaller? .. and that's it ... it's the one with those changes. Thank you.