I usually begin logos in black and white to get a feel from you all to see if you like it or not...it's kind of a designer code. if the logo doesn't work in black and white, it won't work in color. The idea is to borrow from old vegas with an updated, stylized font. i've incorporated in the background a linear, stylized stratosphere as an iconic landmark that follows the angle of the typography.
no problem with the options on #92...as for using the font from #87, that may cross the line a little since it's not my concept. What i can do is find something similar. Based on how that one looks, you are looking for something a little less bold..am i correct in thinking that?
Here is a version with a less bold font....the "S" changed, so i moved the stratosphere icon more central and larger to play off of the "D". The idea is for the icon and Las Vegas to be printed in a metallic and your name in black or dark blue.
added the gradient to really simulate a skyline. I really like what it did to your Name....really brought the white forward and added visual depth to your logo.
one thing that i really haven't seen for you is a stacked option! I've aligned the ascender and the descender of the "p" and the "d" to represent the base of the stratosphere.
this concept has a much more handwritten feel(the way the Wynn logo feels). Instead of the icon of the stratosphere being(and feeling) disconnected from the type, i designed it abstractly into the "t"
The concept is to screen back the Stratosphere. in print, run it as a spot varnish over a matte finish...The new "NS" typography has a lot of old Vegas to it. a lot of fun and class to it.
FINALLY!!!!...found a font that ties in extremely well with the Stratosphere...the cursive "a" blends right into the base of the Stratosphere to add continuity and rhythm to the logo.