I like Entry #2 better than #1. I like the font. I would like to see more color to make it stand out. I like the concept of the symmetry between the two halves of the brain. That is the primary focus of our practice- to balance the function between the two hemispheres of the brain and utilizing the spine, exercises and nutrition to do so.
I like the addition of another color to #25. Purple is nice, however I think blue might actually look better in this case. I really liked #24. I'd like to make the same suggestion of changing the purple to blue on that one and possibly rearranging the order to make it brain first, spine last. Also, for the brain, can you find a graphic that shows the split between the two halves of the brain? If you were able to do that, we would have all elements of our office in that one design. Very exciting! I like the squares better than the diamonds. Great work and thank you!
I'm very impressed. I can't chose between #33, #34, and #35. I like all of them equally. You are very good at this! I don't have any other suggestions for you hahaha. Which do you like the best? If you have any other concepts in mind, I'd love to see them as well, but I really like what you've done so far.
yes, if i have other idea in mind i will let you know But personally i like #34 because it simple, clean and economical :) In #35 i really like the modern feeling huuhhhhh.... i feel so glad you like my work, i really appreciate
Yeah you're awesome! I had one idea.. for #34 and #31. Maybe make the lines coming from the spine that grey to differentiate it from the spine. I think that would change the feel of that and make the other half of the circle more like the other half of the brain, but still keep the concept of 3 integrated concepts.
Perfect! That's exactly what I was thinking. Let me look at it for a little while and see how it settles with me, but I think we have something here! The black and white is perfect also, as you said for fax. Maybe we can add some greyscale in there too at some point, but don't worry about that now. Well done, my friend!
I'm doing well thank you! One thing that I did notice, which is very minor, but if I chose one of your designs the spine is actually upside down (anatomically). That would be easy to fix, correct? It needs to be mirrored on the horizontal so that the tips of the vertebra (the spinous) are pointing down, not up. A small detail, but one that a doctor will notice.
No need to change it now, but can it be done if I select your design?