I like the font in this design.The graphic is a little too abstract for me. I could make implications that the circle represents holism and the smaller circles can represent the 3 fundamental services of our clinic, but I don't think the everyday person would connect those. I also prefer the visual separation of Neuro and Logic even though they are one word. It suggests neurology and a "logical" choice. I have looked at some of your other designs and like them a lot. I'd love to see what else you can come up with.
thanks for the comments, i was actually working on some more concepts when i got the email. Here are some more. In regards to #4, I like when logos dont pop out at you right away. I wanted the circles to represent the vertebrae in the spine.
Thank you for the additional submissions. I like where your head is at, but I would really like to emphasize more of the brain/neural aspect of the clinic- something even very simple and abstract like the shape of a "kidney bean" shape representing a lateral view of the brain. We provide chiropractic services, it is less than 50% of our business. I am going to place some of the submission in the "not interested" box. Please don't take offense to that. I just want to keep the page organized. If you have any other concepts for me, I'd love to see them. Thanks!