I like the idea of 'growth' but I would prefer a look that resembles more like a brain. Also I prefer a look that doesn't have the 'drawn' look like the light bulb. As for the colors I would like the green and orange to be darker. But good job coming up with something that looks like growth from a different angle.
I really like #41. Especially the brain. I think it conveys the right messege. How about different variations on the lettering. I do like the text maybe different ideas on colors?
I really like the design of the head/ brain. If I were to improve upon it I would like to see something that shows more brain activity like more sparks etc. I also really like the font style for 'Nutrition'. Its simple and natural. I also like the written "The smart choice for the brain".
Thank you for adding in the sparks. I was wondering what it would look like if the brain was more visible. Maybe it could be more white or a differnt color all together. Maybe orange? Also could we play with color variations on 'Logical'? I like when it has different shades like you had in #39. I also really like the hand writing for "the smart choice for the brain" but I find it a little hard to read. Could that be bigger?
Hi Thank you for the new designs! I do like the brain in 80 the best. How about the font of 41 for 'Neuro Logical' With the words being blue and logical being blue but fading or shading down to a green. I really like the shading like you did on 87. Also keep "The smart choice for the brain" the same as in 84.
Hi, In entry 100 can we get the font size of "Neuro Logical" larger so that it stands out more. We would like to see that portion bigger than 'Nutrition"
Good work! We are thinking we like 111 the most right now. On our end of things there has been a change. We wanted to be "Neuro Logical" but we may have some conflicts with that. Therefore, we are going to be doing business as " Neurological Nutrition" So what would be helpful is: 1) Eliminate the space between " Neuro" and " Logical". It should be just one word. 2) But to still have the feel of two seperate words "Logical" needs to be more distict. Maybe much more green than blue or another color. 3)We would like to see what it would look like with all the lettering increased in size just a little bit.